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Wiring harness and ECU differences

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Short version of the story is that my son's 77 is down compression on the 4th and 5th cylinder. While getting ready to pull the motor we came across a really good deal on a donor car that only has 5k on a rebuild. The wiring harness from the donor car is almost perfect, while the original had someone do a poor hack job on it. Anyway before I got 2 deep I noticed an extra couple pins, the ECU was a 601 instead of a 600 and a missing 2 prong plug.


Short version is can I swap the harness as long as I take the ECU? Secondly original has a extra 2 prong connection under the dash that hooks to a Brass cylinder, anyone know what that is and do I need it?

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I am no mechanic, but it looks to me you can change it, if in question about the other conctor use a good wire diagram some time a difference is for Automatic or 5 speed Federal or CA . Any how asking also some one around your area or from a club they usually willing to help.

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Hey dagold, I guess you found out this is a tough audience. Sad to know that even if someone does know the answer they aren't about to tell you.


As for the brass cylinder, is the plug in a V shape? I just pulled the entire harness out of a 77 this morning and I recall exactly what you are talking about. I believe it is the altitude compensation switch for CA model cars. It should be "open" at altitudes below 3500 feet or so, therefore, unhooked it should run fine. It is for emissions.


By changing the harness, I am assuming you are talking only the fuel injection harness? If so, it should be a piece of cake. I am not sure where the extra pins are that you are talking about however. Only one plug goes into the ecu.


There is more information about non altered cars at zclassics.com



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It's not a matter of that. It is a matter of learning the hard way for me. I did not read the rules and was quickly shown why you should. Also being able to download the factory service manual for free is invaluable. To be able to sit here..find the diagram..zoom in on it, or print just that page to take to the car with you instead of the whole book. It took me less than 5 minutes to search,find,download. Any year is available. I am clueless on electrical schematics. The FSM has drawings of each section of the wiring harness and also each plug is labeled as to what it is. I could not tell you where the download is(I forgot).

You can see under my avatar my "infraction" From not reading the rules and popping off when I thought an administrator was being mean. He was enforcing the "rules" of this forum.

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