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Too much oil?


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I got a L24 engine in my car and I have an oil leak near the front of the engine, kinda between the head and the block but maybe not.


Pretty sure it was caused by having too much oil (1-2L over), would this be a head gasket or could it be something else possibly?




edit: After reading this thread, it might be a timing cover (maybe gasket)?


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Check dipstick, if it's above top mark that's what caused it. Bad news is the cure is probably what you suspect- timing cover gaskets/ oil pan gasket/ seal dripping. To find for sure clean the front of the motor w/ degreaser, wet some paper towels & stick to the places where oil can leak, start warm & rev engine until paper towels dry out, & when you remove the towels- viola....oil leaks will be transfered to the towels. If this fails get leak detection dye & a black light.

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