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What is a decent muffler for an l28e


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Well Im getting closer to gettig my z driveable, just waiting on my speedhut gauge faces right now and then I can start reassembling the interior. So in the mean time I have unbolted the exhaust right before the cat. I plan to run a new exaust straight to a muffler bypassing the cat. I don't really hve a real reason for this besides not having to worry about having to replace it later in the future and I know that doing this will not yeild any ho gains, might even lose some?. I have, in the past, had a cat get clogged up and explode on me before on an older Mercedes, I don't know how or why this happened but it it did. So that's the only reason I'd like to do away with it I suppose.


So I guess this leads me to my question. I would like a moderately sounding muffler that isn't too loud but gives the engine sound more character than it has stock. I do not want it sure loud because I don't want to e getting pulled over every other day. I also do not want to spend a ton of money because I plan on upgrading to l28et in the future and don't want to buy 2 expensive mufflers. I've been looking on YouTube and here on hbz but I still havnt found anything through searching besides the msa twice pipes kit or a bunch f muffler options for a v8 z car. So can any of you guys give me any advice on what route to go As far as a decently price (the cheaper the better as always for our budget builds) muffler that isn't crazy loud or one that's going to make my z sound like a Honda civic?




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Well if you don't mind something a little loud, you can put together an exhaust for about $50. I don't have to smog my car so I cut the cat flange off, put on a 2.25" cherrybomb and a turn down. The turn down ends up about where the crossmember for the rear LCAs is. If I fixed my exhaust leak it would probably sound a lot better, hehe. I would also buy a flow through muffler a bit nicer than a Kragens one, if you try this out.

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Yeah it sure is a deep tone! I started it up once I had it unbolted right before the cat and my neighbor thought I had a v8 in my car. Hehe. But that's way too loud for my liking and I don't really want a ton of attention drawn to the car when just at idle and you can't even talk within 50 feet. I was considering just attatching an exhaust right there and ending it at the lca instead of going underneath and all the way back but I was unsure how much of the fumes would get into the cabin through the transmission shift hole. I am most likely going to try a flow through muffler for the time being from kragens or something just to dampen the noise some and make it more driver friendly and then try and decide what to do from there. One problem I have in town though is finding a shop that will run the exhaust for me and leave out the cat. They say since it is there from factory that they cannot legally remove it in California. So one shop said if I bring it in without the cat then they can pretend it wasn't there and run it for me but it's gonna be pricey.


So idk we will see I was just wondering if you all had a cheap alternative and it seems as if just a cheapo muffler from kragens/autozone might just be a decent solution for me for now. Anyone else wanna chime in here with any experience/solutions?


Not sure if I mentioned it or not but the car is a 75 280z so it is smog "exempt" in California.

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