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Spindle pin soloution!

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Well, after battling my spindle pins just like everyone else, I found a cheaper, simpler solution. Now I know I'm not the first one here, but I thought I'd share my idea.



I went out in search of a monster bolt. I found exactly what I need.


Grade 8 5/8" (I believe) 10" long bolt and locknut.


The length is perfect, and it also deletes the pesky locking pin. It cost me about $25 for the nuts and bolts, much less than a set of spindle pins!


If anyone's interested I can probably piece together a few of these!

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You also need a castle nut and drill the bolt to lock the nut.


You should use a bolt with enough UNTHREADED length to engade all the parts that the original(smooth) spindle held tight. There should only be enough threads to fully tighten the nut. You can order AN bolts in much finer increments with extremely short threaded sections. But then the cost gets extremely high.

Edited by bjhines
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