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Music writing in MN, usa need help


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I've been writing music since I was about 8 years old. My first song I had published I was in the 4th grade, it was a hymn. At that point I did not know much about writing music other than what I heard in my head. My grandmother helped me get the music from my head down to an instrument that I was likened to for the first time. I taught myself how to play the full 82 key piano when I was 6 years old. My father taught me a bit of violin when I was 8 years old, I took it from there and taught myself the rest that I wanted. When I got into the sixth grade there was only "band" at my school. So there was no choices to pick the instruments I already knew how to play, so I chose the french horn in "c". From there I played that for two years, then my brother when I got into high school had to pick an instrument of his own (he is 3 years younger than me) he chose the trumpet. It was so similar to the french horn and much more simpler than the the french horn that I picked it up like it was nothing. Later in high school I had the want to get as many girls as I could and well most high-school girls are dumb, so I started to teach myself the 6 strong acoustic guitar.


Since all this I have always heard music in my head and a story to go with it. I don't project my emotions like most people words escape me and the one time I actually remember crying was back in 2008 when my fiance cheated on me. So I write my emotions and stories into music. Each song tells a story.


Now that being said one could call my music classical music (because most of the instruments are classical instruments)if they were so inclined to do so, albeit I would prefer to call it "story music".


What my question is is this; I have no idea how to get my music out into the public. For years it was of no interest to me. But recently some friends happened to go through my stuff at my house whilst they took care of me from when I had hand surgery. These people who never heard my music listened to it while I was past out, asked me about it and had loved it. I have some digital recordings on my Netbook, I also have a few cd recordings, as well as on some old tapes. Regardless of this, my current girl friend also recently listened to it as said she loved them as well. So I decided to try bring my music to work. I am a mechanic, so pretty much we listen to rock :P . They all asked a million questions and yet again loved it. Everybody who listened to it seriously thinks I really need to advertise my music in whatever form that may be.


So I need help in that I have no idea how to get it out there, how to protect myself from the thieves of this BS world. I don't even know where to start. I am looking for someone in MN that has had experience in this if they are so willing to help, I would really appreciate a meeting (like getting coffee and chat) or a place to start or something.


Any help would be great I live in Anoka Mn, USA currently and probably will not be moving. The one thing I have noticed throughout the years is the great deal of knowledge the people on this website have so I guess that is why I have chosen to ask this. Also if it helps I am 24 years of age currently, to give you a grasp on where I am coming from. Also I do see that I could upload some attachments of my music though I don't really see how that can be wise just in case someone would like to use it for their own purposes that are not my own.


thanks in advance


Luke M. DuPont

aka vega-

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First thing you need to do is get your compositions copyrighted. You can do them by the song, or via a "compilation" (album). The individual method is more expensive (I think like $25 a song - if they haven't upped the fees) but it affords you distinct rights on lyrics/music in that song. A compilation copyright is a little more difficult for the authorities to nail down what exactly was stolen if someone happens to use your music for their own personal gain. Just do a Google search on "music copyright" and you'll find all the government forms necessary to print, fill out, and file. That should be your first order of business.


Secondly, (once copyrighted) you can setup in any of a number of venues. Depending on how 'advanced' your project is (do you have "radio ready" recordings, or a fully produced CD ready to go?) you can go anywhere from Facebook to MySpace, or any of the other social networking sites and post them there. If you want $$$ out of it, Facebook has teamed up with Reverb Nation, and they have avenues to sell your songs. If you have a full CD, you can get it up on CD Baby or any of a number of other sites and promote it that way.

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There is a free online site that allows me to upload my music and copy write it that way jamonds or something like that. But the problem is that my songs are too long. Anywhere from 9min to 45 min depending so-

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I went with Track Testing for one composition (I was trying a new genre) what they "did" was they would take a 30sec clip you submit, after a number of peer reviews of that submission, they allow you to upload the full piece. Then that would receive numerous reviews, and I believe after a certain number of positive reviews, they would release it to sell in a compilation, at no charge to you. You "should" receive a monthly statement of how it does in sales and receive monthly checks via PayPal...


But I'm going to be going another route, due to the type of compositions I produce. I'd prefer to start writing scores for films and/or writing licensed works to be used for various thematic avenues ie: Trailers, Commercials, Games, Short Films, etc.


Let me know how your success comes along. I'm interested in hearing about your progress.

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