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finally! got a Datsun to work on! pics inside

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Yes, it needs work but that's what I wanted. This is my 3rd Z. Hopefully, I can actually learn something about rebuilding it and customizing the car. My plan is to put a VG30DETT in it, do suspension and brakes, and sport a kickass paint job.








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Good find!


Any rust?


Frame tweaked?


If not, I applaud you!

There's a little bit of rust, but it's the usual areas. I'm going to put new floor pans in, there's no rust in the rear, and there's a few spots along the door sills. I think the frame is good, but I won't know that until later when I strip it down.


dude, If I could have found that nice of a tan interior, I'd have totally painted my Z the OEM 70-73 dark green color.


VG30DETT sounds like fun, gonna be a WIIIIDDEEE bay.

The interior isn't as nice as it looks. The dash is horrible, carpeting is getting thrown out, and I'm actually thinking of just chucking it all.


I still haven't researched the viability of putting a VG engine in the Datsun. I've heard that Greg Dupree has a 240 with a VG30DETT engine. I believe he's from SpecialtyZ. I'm going to have to contact him or the company.

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My 2nd week of putsing around with the 260Z, and it just gets more fun and I'm still sane.


I started yesterday by taking out some really easy carpeting that was rotted, plus I looked it over to plan my next day. So I wake up today and know that I'm going to be washing the car. It's spray painted black, but I can't stand dirty cars anyway, so I had to get all the dirt and grime and dust off that I could. It's raining, which is cool because I want the rain to wash all the gunk away as I clean the car.


Eventually, I'm done washing it and let it drip dry. No point in wasting MF towels or waffle weave on this sad beast. Now on with the pics.


I had the help of another Z enthusiast. It's nice to have handy people who like working on cars.














Driver's side (pretty bad with rust that just doesn't stop:






Center console is out and now I know why the stick is so loose...it needs washers!




Taking out the dash was a biyatch! But we got it done. I was a little bit enthusiastic about this and didn't really mark the nuts, bolts, wires, etc. Oh, well. I'll figure it out. Just some pics of the underside.





We also suspected that something had been living in the air ducts of the car. We were right.






I think we took out at least 125 lbs of interior parts, trash, rust, dirt, carpet, etc.





To be continued....

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I forgot to mention that I found some treasure.





I think this is cool. One of them is for the shift knob. Don't know what the other one is for.




Cleaned them up with Nevr-Dull. I need to figure out how to get all that rust and crud off.


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  • 2 months later...

Alright, after a few weeks off due to shoulder surgery and what not, I'm back in to the old girl. I was watching SpeedTV this morning and couldn't stand to watch the hot rod shows where they talk about rebuilding a car from the ground up. I decided it was time to get out to the garage, spend some quality time with my oldest son, and enjoy the nice weather we were having.


What did we do? Took out the alternator (tested it - failed), took out a bunch of hoses to try and get some more engine room, tried to take off the oil filter (damn thing is stubborn), took out the spark plugs and wiring, and took off those little hood thingy's (sorry, I don't know what it's called).


On with the pics!













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