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New fiberglass airdam prep?


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After a lot of thought about either a poly or fiberglass air dam, I finally ordered a fiberglass one from MSA for my Z.(#50-1401) It will be here this week and I hope to have it on soon. I got fiber because the front of my car will not be too low and it should hold up better at speed.


Is there anything that needs to be done after installation before I prime and paint it? Can the primer go right on the 'gel' coat?


I will post pics when I get my page set up.


Thanks in advance!



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Wash it with warm sopy water, do what I did and take a shower with it! Wash it a bunch of times and maybe use some mild solvent cleaner. Then sand it, maybe 400 then 600 grit wet.


Just did mine like two weeks ago, came out good. But since I have the '73 240Z, I had to cut the damn air dam because it hit the bumper mounts.



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Thanks Owen. I removed the original early 260 bumper mounts and made some with angle iron. I also removed the bumper stops. The bumper will now mount very tight against the headlight buckets. All the rubber has been removed except the thin piece that mounts on the inside of the bumper (looks like a wing) and goes straight back to the grill in the middle. It fits good and tight. I hope I don't have to cut the dam to make it fit. That would be a pita.


Look at the front of Stony's car. Thats the dam I have and thats the look I'm shooting for.


Thanks again



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I think I have the same air dam, FRP with no ducts. I may remove the '73 bumper battering ram mounts so I can use my 260 bumper. Got any pix of those mounts you made?


"Owen needs some human nookie , he's getting way to involved with his car!



PSHAW!!! Look who's talkin (and gawkin...at the show) :D



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PSHAW!!! Look who's talkin (and gawkin...at the show)
Dude, I'm married, not dead :eek: . Besides, just because I have a meal at home, it doesn't mean I can't look at the menu!! but I'm not showering with my car lol :D:D


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I had a ’73 parts car at one time and the front bumper mounts were huge and heavy. I would say at least 5-6 lbs. each maybe more! The early ’74 mounts are heavy too. All the bolts and the mounts I made weigh less than 3 lbs. total. I’m not going to kid you, it’s a Home Depot job, but the bumper is solid with 2 mounts using the existing front bumper holes, and bolts on ends where the bumper wraps around the body also using existing holes. It took me about $15 and about half an afternoon. Another great thing is that the mounts can not be seen because of the rubber piece that is shaped like a flying wing ( I think MSA calls it a rubber bumper filler). With the ‘flying wing’ mounted to the inside of the bumper and the bumper mounted all the way back it totally fills the gap between the bumper and grille. It should kick ass with the air dam on. ;)


I’ll take pics from underneath and send them along when I get the air dam on. It was very simple. I’ll rig anything if given the chance! :cool: I really have to get a web page set up.



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