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Balance-Tubed vs Non Balanced-Tube Triples Manifolds


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I have both a balanced-tube manifold (Cannon) and a non balanced-tube manifold (Lynx) that I can use and wonder what the experience is with the two types... I can postulate; but I'd like to hear from someone who has actually compared the two types and what they found re tuneability, performance/driveability, etc? I think this is a different topic from tuning triple carbs, per se, so I posted it as a separate topic...


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OK, I understand that synchronization is clearly more accurate with individual (non-balanced) runners, and that power band would be less peaky and driveability better with balanced triples...what I'm questioning is the optimal way to balance the carbs...

does runner-grouping matter?

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do it, dyno it, and post the results, then there will be no conjecture or supposition...


I could group my Mikuini Manifold through the ports and using tubing. I doubt any measurable difference will result.

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