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custom fiberglass


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ok i did a search on here but i didnt find quite what i was looking for so i thought i would through this question out there. i have done boat fiberglass construction before and i know a cople people here on this site have done custom fiberglass bodys for their z's i was wondering how they layed their glass, what kind of frame did they use to do it and about how much touch up sanding was needed with your way of doing this. me and a cople freinds are thinking about trying to do some small parts for some asorted cars.

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I sent you a Word document of a write-up I did for someone on how I go about building my fiberglass parts. It's by no means "professional" fiberglass work, but with some thought and patience, the job can look "professional" when you are through. I've got some brief photos that will also help you along with this at Fototime (link below) if you have time to find them intermingled with other photos.

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thanks terry, it was actually your car i was looking at when i thought of posting the question. i checked out those photos but its hard to see much about how it was done. i sent you an e-mail back asking if you could please resend that document my e-mail deleted it and when i tryed to open it it didnt know what the message was twak.gif sorry about that. hey tim if you have any ideas let me know. that is one sweet ride you have terry, just looking at it i get ideas for my upcomeing project.

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Guest Anonymous

Terry...Can I obtain your fiberglass word document also. I have been having success with thin sheet metal sheathing (electro plated smooth coated) as a flat mold source requiring no mold release medium, I can bend in angles to the sheathing and seperate pieces can be joined to make a more complex and larger part.. ljohnson97438@yahoo.com Thanx

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Yep, I'll get it out to you. If you (and Aaron) would (being this topic will end tonight unless it's started back up again tomorrow), please remind me to send you the text (it's only a couple of pages) via my e-mail. This way I won't forget being it may be late before I get home tonight. TomahawkZ; The plated steel sounds very similar to my method using aluminum sheet. The pieces pop off of it fairly easily too.

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Guest Anonymous

Forbes Aird has written a book "Fiberglass and Composite Materials".. I see it comes up for sale on E Bay for $17.00 under fiberglass in auto parts. I have it and it is well written

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i know of a really good one about boats that i think could be used very well for car parts if you tinkerd with the design, but i cant remeber the name of it. i will check on that, my sailing groop has a copy so i will just ask one of them this weekend. also another book i have been using for small moldes of diffrent sorts is the prop builder's molding and casting handbook by thurston james. i got my copy for $19.99 at tap plastics. i actually hadnt thought of useing it for this idea untill about 5 minutes ago. one last thing, if you have a tap plastics near you i recomend you check it out they have lots of usefull suplys for these kinds of projects. they might even have some other materials that might work well. i am probably going to head down to the one here in san jose soon and just take a look around and see if i get any ideas.

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