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oil pump pick-up related

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first Id point out that a simple spot/TACK welding if done with a typical arc welder leaves a brittle weld in some cases, and that BRAZING the complete joint is the PREFERRED method of locking the pick-up tube to the pump body


next, Id suggest a TIG or MIG weld but brazing is a bit more flexible


adding a brace and brazing it to the pick-up tube and use loc-tite on the bolt threads helps durability



brittle welds cause problems, and welding cast iron to mild steel is difficult, or darn near impossible at times ,the oil pump pick-up tends to vibrate at some engine speeds and over time it will weaken the joint if thats not braced or supported with a second support point, welding or brazing a brace and bolting it on the pump body helps, but a brazed connection tends to be a bit more flexible. many guys seat the tube with a hammer and flat screw driver blade against the rib on the pick-up tube shoulder with the result that it caused stress risers and the pick-up fails eventually, even if

fully supported but fully supported

bolt on pick-up designs are less likely to fail




in 40 plus years of building engines IVE NEVER seen a PROPERLY brazed and braced oil pump pick-up come loose, just remember to remove the spring and piston from the pressure regulating bye-pass and let the parts slowly air cool before lubricating and re-assembling the components.



BRAZE ROD MELTS at well OVER 800F and done correctly has a tensile strength of 50,000 PLUS psi when used, on clean metal surfaces








Edited by grumpyvette
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