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Engine won't rev past 2,000 RPM - just cleaned engine bay


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I swear I love you guys here. I've been having the same problem with my car after this recent rain storm, and now I know what it is. Thanks hybrid z!


On another note I wish I could attend the meet but as you all can see I live on the other side of the country. :(

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I had similar problem, Now I can' go pass 5k without stalling down the rpm. After I let go the gas pedal, it will slowly dip down to the 200rpm until I tap on the gas pedal a couple of time in order for it to stay around 900rpm. And now it have lead to a different problem; it keep on make a clicking noise once every 30sec or so. Watch the video and can any one tell me what its going on? It seem like the ecu trying to correct itself but its not very successful.


Thanks in advance. (sorry to jack the thread) I don't want to great a nonsense thread.






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I swear I love you guys here. I've been having the same problem with my car after this recent rain storm, and now I know what it is. Thanks hybrid z!


On another note I wish I could attend the meet but as you all can see I live on the other side of the country. :(


Gotta love those "AHA!" moments, eh? I felt the same way when I learned (earlier in this thread) why it was happening. Something you might want to consider is re-sleeving your electrical connections in the engine bay to keep the water out. I did that on the TPS, my injectors, and a bunch of other components - the rubber was cracked and flaking away.... A simple heat gun and some assorted rubber heat shrink tubing is what I got (harbor freight - cheap!).

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