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About jenno4z

  • Birthday 06/18/1951

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    New Mexico

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  1. Hi folks, looking for the mast, yes, broken is good. contact at jenno@q.com. Thanks much
  2. John,

    I was interested in the valve spring setup that sunbelt had developed (lower seat pressure).

    You had an engine built there.

    Sunbelt is long gone. Is there still info available? As in cam profile to accommodate the lower spring pressure.

    Would be very interested in some info. I have tried to find out if the company that bought them out would continue with it. Did not get very far.

    Thanks much!!

    1. inline6



      I was looking for some info @johnc supplied a long time ago and came across your note to him asking him about Sunbelt cam info.  Sadly, John died a number of years ago.  

      I have info for you.  I have a newly built engine which utilizes a Sunbelt cam with the profile which utilizes lower spring pressure.  I was able to source a new cam from the company that now owns the masters, or whatever they are called. 

      Feel free to IM me with your questions. 


    2. jenno4z




      is there a chance to still get a cam reground to use the single spring?? 

      Thanks much again! jenno@q.com is my e-mail

    3. inline6


      Yes, there is a chance.  The company to contact:

      Megacycle purchased the assets of the company that developed the L-series Sunbelt cams.  


      Not sure if they will do a regrind instead of a fresh grind on a "chill-cast" blank.  I can provide more info if you need it.  However, call Megacycle and see if the person you get is helpful.  

      I will send you this in an email as well.

  3. Ha, exact same question here. It is interesting that Jim Wolff is offering the same springs for either one, L or VG.
  4. 11/77 is the build date and the engine is numbers matching.

    I can store till you can arrange for shipping if you want to buy it FYI

    My number is 916-856-0823 if you want to hook it up and talk more.


  5. Hi Folks, when downloading "megasquirt.19" I get: "programming address $FB00.error". I then continue to see what the issue is when verifying. Then I get: "$FB10 byte in modul is $01, should be $09", and: "$FB9F byte in modul is $AE, should be $A6". how can I correct that? I downloaded the .S19 again from website, erased module, reloaded, got the same error. How do I procede from here? Thanks much for all the help!
  6. Okay, did you guys take the shaft out to shorten it? Pushed out with press from the short end, pushing through the ferrule looking part? I got the throttle plate of already. Thanks for any help!
  7. Okay, is there a code to program a VIRGIN (not from Megasquirt), blank processor in the board (V2.2)? In daubt it though due to the set-up. Would be nice if I don't have to buy the programmer. Oh well. Please let me know, would you? Thanks much again!!
  8. Okay, thanks much, I am using version 2.2 MS fuel only for now (basic stuff). I am using a DB9 cable (RS232) and have gotten the com all the way onto the board. Now I have to plug in the proc. and load. But how do I go about it? I was trying to follow each step as per instructions and got stuck. Could you instruct me, or point me into the right direction so that I can test it? Thanks again!! Enno
  9. This is what it says in the manual: On the PC, run PC Configurator. Go into the "Communications" window and select the proper COM port (the "Verify ECU operation" does not operate, so do not be fooled). Exit this screen (back to the main window). Note: If your com port is on COM5, you will notice that the Configurator only offers COM1 through COM4. Modify the configuration file so that the first line says "COM5". (Use Wordpad, Notepad or something similar, be sure to save as a plain text file.) For MegaTune this file is "megatune.cfg". Where in the heck do I find "PC Configurator"? "megatune.cfg" is just a 4 liner coming up with "Notepad". Secondly: In the instructions just below the above question it says: "On the PC, click the "Runtime/Realtime Display" button, which brings up ... " And where would that magic "Runtime/Realtime Display" button be?? Need some help here. Trying for the longest time to find those two things with no luck. Thanks much!
  10. Hi all, is there a TPS (pot type) out there that bolts either to a 240SX or even the factory 280 Throttle body where I can use the Bosch style 3-pin connector? The 240SX has the pot on the extra pig-tail with that huge tree-pin connector. Thanks much!!
  11. The above combo is in a 73 240. Tranny is a Borg Warner 1352-157. The speedo does not work. Person who built it (friend) had died from cancer. He did not hook up the speedo. The tranny has two (from what I can see) electrical connections on the drivers side. One further back (I suspect the pulse coder for a speedo?) and one up front (reverse switch??). I need help to hook the stock speedo (changing out the electrical in back with something mechanical?). Is the front electrical the reverse switch? Thanks much! Enno
  12. with this link. What do I need to do to get the info for the wideband sensor?
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