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Posts posted by zxtoy

  1. It will be a major task for a nonbodyman , but if you have the tools,the garage,the time and the patience than it is doable. I would start by searching on this site and others( maybe zcar.com) and read up on body work and rust repair . especially body work on your particular year and model z. I have spent literally hundreds of hours researching rust repair before I take on mine this summer.Going to a junkyard and cutting off the back half of a car in 10 minutes is totally unrealistic. Plan on the better part of a day. Take your time and cut the donor car part bigger than you plan on needing. You can trim it down later after you get it back to your garage. Plan on taking the entire back of the car and not just the skin. You never know how far the rust may have gone where you can't see it. If you don't need the entire back you can always pitch what is left over. But better to have it when you need it than to have to go back to the junkyard for another one. Take your time and seek advice if you are not sure and you'll be able to do it, but plan on it taking 10 times longer and 10 times more expensive than you think it will.

  2. The older cars with the least amount of rust are the ones with NO undercoating. I would not undercoat my car. I agree completely with jacob80's statement. I would want to see any rust as soon as possible to correct it before it gets bad. Undercoating will hide it until it's too late. In my opinion keeping a good paint job clean is the best rust protection.

  3. It makes good sense to me. All rules anyone should be able to operate within easily.


    And by the way - Thank You for having me here. I hope to fit in and enjoy the "second" level of Z car knowledge. I've been to the first level and now it seems to be the time to expand my horizons. Thanks Again.

  4. I would never post a pic of a house in my area. I'm too afraid one of you fellow z'ers would sneak all the way over to western nebraska and steal a neighbors $850,000 tractor. :lol:

    You have to understand that a $400,000 car doesn't impress me when I see farm tractors everyday all over the place worth more than twice what those cars are.

  5. I can relate to the need for time. My zx needs some attention but my wife has had some life threatening illnesses this past year and my daughter is graduating and I've had to run my wifes health food store while trying to keep my construction company afloat. The zx gets negleted and sits patiently waiting for some tlc. I drive it almost daily to commute but it still gets no attention. Our poor z's get moved way down the list when family needs attention.

    Time is a precious commodity.

  6. Wow that wheel really polished up great! When I saw the first picture of the strut I thought " holy cow that thing is huge!" Then in the next few pics I realized it was camera angle. It looks really good. I like the three legs stand on the strut brace ends alot. It is different from the others i've seen and yours looks much better. Thanks for posting them.

  7. I like the headlight design and the side view but the front is too massive for me. I would trim the front down by half to keep the sports car stance, but that is just me and if you are pleased with this design than you should definitly build it. I may change my mind and like it more if I saw it in person. Good luck with the built and please continue the pics and updates as you go along. B)

  8. They are "shadow" brand louvers. I have them on my zx . They are the best ones I've seen . They are thicker rigid aluminum and don't flop around like cheaper ones. I saw a set on ebay awhile back (last year) that were still new in the box. The seller had stored them for 20 years and never used them. I think they sold for a couple hundred.

    If I was going to get louvers these would be the ones I would get.Provided I could find them.

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