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Posts posted by b__sosick

  1. There's a guy from zdriver and I think he might post here as well, by the name of "BobsZtwins"

    One of his Z's was originally a scarab, But I believe I remember him posting that he relocated the engine and placed it farther back towards the center of the car, and also turbocharging it.

    I'm no purist but I think if you aren't planning on auto x'ing or aren't serious about racing it, then keep it in good shape, let it appreciate, enjoy it and drive it!

  2. DUUUUDE I can't wait to see this car. I love me some s130s!!!! BTW consider Ferrari 308 Taillights? I think ZFiberglass.com makes a mold for it. or something similar to mine. If not I could take upclose detailed pics of my taillights or something.


    what was that you said about the IMSA flares?? You've heard theyre going to make them for the s130?!!?

  3. congrats on the new z!

    keep the wing! I like it :D



    as for the snapping of bolts, it's expected with our old archaic machines. make sure to spray penetrant and let it soak and dry on all the bolts you will be having to take off.


    either that or get reeeeal good at tap/drilling.


    it's still quite beautiful in my eyes =)



    this is what makes us z guys different from others!!

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