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Posts posted by b__sosick

  1. So today there was no other option. i was the only one that had the time to get groceries. I normally don't mind this...But this time..

    No one would let me take their car!

    So on my way to Publix I can hear the people in the cars next to me thinking...

    that guy is going to get groceries in that z!

    Pulling up to the parking lot, my palms get sweaty and my heart starts to race. It's already dark out but I hastily put on my aviator sunglasses. I pull the brim of my cowboys hat as low as it'll go. I only pull my head up far enough to see over the dash and steering wheel. I put my left hand over my face, shift with my right hand, and use my knee to steer.

    I park in front of Long Horn Steakhouse a full 1/10th of a mile away.


    My dad's old trenchcoat drags on the ground as I briskly walk towards Publix. I keep my head down and walk so fast I can almost see myself busting into a full speed run.


    The terror of being caught in the publix parking lot with my z nearby!!!


    I enter the store with a cart. I keep my head down as I race through the aisles. I'm knocking elderly women and small children over indiscriminantly.


    People are whispering and gasping and I just KNOW there is someone I know here. I don't waste a second of time. I throw everything to the cart and head towards the checkout aisles.


    Of course, the lines are all a mile long.


    I pull my cart up to a line and take a knee, pretending to tie my shoe for the next 10 mintues while the customers in front of me get checked out.


    Of course the person infront of me left her wallet in her car. I audibly release frustration and start tapping my foot incessantly.

    At long last it's my turn.


    I pick up the cart and just dump it all onto the little automatic belt all at once. the eggs are probably already smashed, and no doubt the bread is wasted beyond recognition.


    he scans each product, staring at me the whole time like I'm some sort of freak.


    I throw a wad of money at him, and without waiting for change, run full speed out of the store with all 17 bags draped around my arms, and one or two wrapped around my neck.


    I finally reach my car, sweating and panting heavily. I throw everything in the trunk and come out of the parking lot sideways.




    So yeah. there is my zx's first trip to the grocery store. Verbatim. :]

  2. What's wrong with the HybridZ's photo gallery? You upload from your computer to your gallery. Make a donation to the site or if you are a donating member there is no limit on space.





    I like the gallery feature but I don't want to waste hybridz's bandwidth! photobucket is free and very easy to use

  3. http://cwimg.us.publicus.com/apps/pbcsi.dll/bilde?Site=CW&Date=20061005&Category=FREE&ArtNo=61004002&Ref=AR&Profile=1065&maxw=490



    Chris Doane for Brenda Priddy & Company While the hood scoop indicates this is something other than an ordinary Z06, the real prize is under the hood where our spies heard the whine of what is most likely a supercharged 6.2-liter V8 pushing as much as 650 hp. The engine, which will be hand-built at a rate of 1500-2000 per year at the General Motors Performance Center outside Detroit, features an integrated intake manifold intercooler similar to the one GM developed for the Cadillac STS V-Series.

    just when you thought nothing was cooler than the new z06!!!






  4. Man you are nonstop with the "bigger pics" thing! haha, like every thread. What do you do with them all?






    hahah ano i usually save the ones i really like and have a folder set aside for my wallpaper on my desktop to rotate through.

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