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Everything posted by Whittie

  1. Hey 24TZ, Welcome to the forum!! As bosick I am also new to this forum and also believe it a great source of info from people who also believe that DIY is the way to go as budgets for these things are quite tight. I understand what you mean about the N/A with bucket loads of grunt!!!! my car had been done up by the previous owner (carbied 2.8l l28 ) and a recent dyno tune put the car at 180rwhp or about 265 at the flywheel!!!!! The thing rockets along and it such a blast to drive without any turbo lag!!!! (mind you the flat spot is a real pain) although having said that your suspicions would have to be correct because this motor (I know) was VERY expensive where a turbo transplant would have been significantly cheaper, but it all comes down to taste and budget. modern technology puts less budget to a turbo motor and modern styling puts turbo on a higher level than N/A's - almost as if they are somehow far superior just because they are popular - so really it would seem that turbo would be the more practical choice where n/a would put you with more in the right time frame for the car. Ultimately choice is yours, but people do tend to lean towards turbo. Tom.
  2. only differance i can readily pick out is that they have handles instaed of wingnuts on the top. otherwise the look extreamely similar to my mikuni's (or webers i dont know exactly which they are). Tom.
  3. when its a daily occurence that you try and tell people its a hot-shot datsun and they fall on the ground laughing.
  4. i've got a momo seat in mine on the standard rails with some custom mounting brackets so that the fit on and whilst its a bit tricky to get the seat into the car it is fine for height and width. i presume this seat is similar in dimensions to a sparko or other seat and the previous owner who installed the seat was of similar dimensions to you. So, any racing seat should fit just be careful not to rip door trims or kill the leather steering wheel when you are trying to put the seat in as it is a tight fit through the door. in relation to the mounting point i'm about 6 foot tall (well my dad is 5 11 and i'm slightly taller than him) and the seat on the standard rails with the mounting brackets is at the perfect height for us, any lower and all i would be seing in the steering wheel and the dash, so maybe it doesnt need to be mounted lower. who knows maybe i've just got long legs and so the height is right for me. Tom.
  5. Thanks sosick, yeah the mods are great and it is an absolute BLAST to drive, but the mods dont come cheap, had to have it rebuilt as i said above and i tell you without an interest free loan and a 50/50 split with my dad i wouldn't have come anywhere near affording it, hell, i still couldn't!!! but i think what you have is good, and my advice would have to be as the others said, just keep it as is at the moment and work on some of the smaller things (well not so small things anyway). getting rid of the rust will insure you keep body strength up and dont come across any nasty surprises in the future, carpet and upholstery does wonders for the driving experiance, and being in highschool (as i am) you NEED some sort of non-standard stereo, so get a nice head and some decent 6 inch speakers, i know i got an lg head and pioneer speakers on special 500 down to 200, so look around and you can keep expendature down. i will also have to say that school is important, although i believe it is not as big a deal that everyone nelieves i tto be until about yr 11, when the pressure really comes on but keep focused on that, get a job while you still have the time and then you can work on the car when you get some free time to yourself (if thats ever, like my experiance with yr 12). thats the why i see it, and the way i am tackling this project and it seems to be working well for me thus far, so i'll keep working it, but most of all, the car is not your future, school and work is, so have fun with it but dont devote time that should be set aside for school to the car, you'll do yourself no favours in the long run, no matter how much fun it is now. yes yes, i know i sound like mum but seriously mate, school is big and ultimatly the zed is just a hobby. may be hard to see now (sure was for me) but ultimatly your priorities need to put school at the top. well to be true to myself i have a calculus exam tommorow morning so i am now going to complete my study. Tom. Ps, although having said all this you will need something to take your mind off school everynow and then and turning a few spanners never went astray in my books. Have fun with the car dude and make sure you get the important, not most wanted, details dealt with whilst you still have no more worries then when what to spend your next pay check on.
  6. stock block colour (well for the l28 anyways, dont know about any others, i presume it would be the same) is a blue. Tom.
  7. well this seemed an appropriate time to join the boards considering how many other newbies are sticking their heads up all over the thread. my names Tom and i am 16, and i also have had my car since i was 15 (well 15 and 364 days old). the car has had all the mods that i know can be done, bar a half cage (on eis on the way though) for street legality and historic racing compliance. it is a 1977 English 260z and has all the standard rust that came on these cars, but not to bad considering the english heritage. has an l28 with p49 head, running triple 45mm webers and a huge cam, a five speed nissan box, 4.375 rear diff (lsd), koni adjustable shocks, king springs...... LOTS. i dont fully know what is on the car as the previous owner has not yet given me the list he is working on, but i can tell you it is one monster of a car. some pics here http://community.webshots.com/user/tommo560 just had to have the engine rebuilt after we detected some suspicios vibrations (loose flywheel in the end so good thing we did take it in when we did) and just a couple of weekends ago out racing with dad (yes he did buy it for me, well we did a partnership; its my daily driver when i get my licence and it is his play car when he wants to take it out. he was considering a 6speed conversion for his supra tt aero but for the same price we bought this and then i get a car aswel!!) and there is a bit of blowby after a hard run, so next rebuild is going to mean a 3.1L overbore . had the car for 10 months now and we have done a bit of work on it. stereo went in the otherweekend, well the head did anyway, ran out of time to put the speakers in so thats a job for another weekend. fixed the windscreen wipers not parking propely. the car is very mechanically sound cept for a bit of rust we found on the rails where the front anti-roll bar mounts *cringe* but other than that it is mostly the cosmetic things that dealing with. bit of a ramble but hey, what the hell, all i get at school is "Datsun..... Racing???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" !!!! so to meet some like minded people who are interested in performace modifications to their Zeds is pretty cool. Tom.
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