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Everything posted by SLY280Z

  1. oh and the rods are 5mm longer than l28 rods, and new piston pin height is 6mm I believe can't remember exact on pin height I just can wrap my head around how it's supposed to be a "stroker" with stock stroke...
  2. quick question bought the stroker kit from rebello just got it yesterday and it's all AWESOME!!! forged JE 89mm pistons, Eagle H beam forged light weight rods, clevite bearings, 490/290 cam, but one thing that concerned me was the crank that came with the "stroker" kit says P30 which from all my research isn't that a stock l28 crank? I measured with a micrometer and the crank is ground down 3mm smaller than stock but how is this a "stroker" if it has a stock stroke? I'm calling rebello Monday jw if anyone might have some insight to this. thanks in advance
  3. Trying to find a rebuild kit for my n47 head using a stage 4 cam stroker motor can only find the individual parts... Is there such thing? or should I just get the individual parts. Thanks in advance
  4. Trying to find a rebuild kit for my n47 head using a stage 4 cam stroker motor can only find the individual parts... Is there such thing? or should I just get the individual parts. Thanks in advance
  5. So new update I wigled the plugs by the kick panel on the passenger side that I cleaned up the other day and now brake lights and running lights work like normal so it was a bad connection in there. And the hazards are back to not flashing and only staying solid on when head lights are on and off otherwise... Left turn signal is the only one working but both hazard and turn signal relays click while the left signal is on and when I unplug one the both stop ticking...im going to mess with those plugs again tomorrow and see if I can get the right turn signal working ill keep you updated. Thanks for any advice in advance
  6. Miles: checked all that looked at the wiring diagram for two days straight and everything looks good. Another odd update: driving to get my inspection this morning, hoping I would pass and they wouldnt fail me because of my blinkers, I noticed my brake lights werent working now, drove home to check everything, bulbs work fine, checked all fuses they were good. I then pulled the plugs on the passenger side coming from the console switches, two big black plugs, there was evidence of a coolant leak inside the cab.... Cleaned the plugs up with contact cleaner and wire brush and now my brake lights work my hazards dont do that weird solid thing anymore with the lights on they just dont work at all... Front marker lights and rear running lights dont work now worked fine this morning and now my left blinker works for the first time ever so at least I know the combo switch is good.... Now im really confused... Sorry for the long post a lot happened today and just want give as many details as I can so someone out there might know whats going on.... As always thanks for any help in advance
  7. Im in desperate need of some help with my 76 280z cant get the blinkers or hazards to work at all and now the brake lights as of yesterday... check out my other post about this. Yes ive checked fuses, ,bulbs, relays are new, and checked as many connections as I could find still no luck... Ive taken it to two electricians and they hardly knew what a Z was but never got it fixed. Im at a loss I dont know where to start please anyone willing to check it out let me know ill meet you anywhere I'll pay you for your time
  8. Well I'm at a loss took it to two electricians the past week they both looked at it like they had never seen wiring before and told me to rewire the whole car... luckily neither charged me, is there anyone in the Phoenix East valley area that wouldnt mind taking a look at it? I need to show it to someone who knows Z's... Just so you all know whats going on: hazard switch only works when lights are on and it stays solid does not flash, turn signals dont work at all, brand new flasher/relays all bulbs are good, all fuses are good, hazard switch works just crossed wire somewhere, combo switch may be bad dont know how to tell took it apart and cleaned all the crap out of it, low/high beam part of it works though. Have to get it done this week inspection is on Monday temp plate expires Saturday. Any help is much appreciated as always, Thanks in advance
  9. New update got my hazard switch to work but only works when headlights are on. Tge signal indicators on the dash just stay constantly on no flashing as well as the exterior signals. Replaced both relays today didnt change anything I called a local guy here recomended by a freind gonna see him tomorrow morning hopefully he can shed some light on this.... Ill keep you updated
  10. Sorry for the late update been having all kinds of issues (the car didn't like the rain at all we had in AZ last week killed battery and alternator) got them all fixed but still cant figure out the blinker thing. I unplugged my hazard switch and looped some of the connections to get them to work, hazards work great but switch doesn't turn them on/off so i know i need a new switch. Does anyone know where to get a new switch? Don't want to waste my time/money on used one and not know if it works.... Blinkers still don't work though I'm thinking its the combo switch it turns my high beams on and off fine but no signals, and the whole wiper thing was a fluke it only did it that one day... hopefully i can get this fixed soon my 30 day temp plate expires in 2 weeks from today and have to get them to work by then as this is my daily driver. Any advice is greatly appreciated I'm at a loss and have no clue what to do, short of buying a $400 combo switch from black dragon which is absolute last resort unless anyone has a working one out there i could buy, the one in my '77 works but wont work for the '76. Again thanks for any help it's much appreciated.
  11. Im running an edelbrock 600 on my 3.1 stroker 77 280z runs fantastic! Ya the mpg sucks haha but I have my stock daily driver 76 280z for the good mpg's They are right about the tuning and cam I'm running a little more than mild lift and long duration cant remember the exact numbers have to check and get back to you on that runs pretty good for my fun car. Took some mild jetting and the hottest plug/wire combo I could find to make sure it burns all the way so I dont have piston wash. Cuz lets be honest 600cfm is a little much if you arent careful with your tuning you could do more damage than good. Hope this helps good luck!
  12. Thanks ill try it tomorrow hopefully it works electical is not my cup of tea haha
  13. Hey everyone hopefully someone can help just bought a 76 280z for a daily driver already have a 77 just brought it home and tried to fix the blinkers but wen I moved the lever the wipers came on... I checked my 77 and all wiring matches up as far as I can tell... Any help is muchk appreciated
  14. Heres my contribution Engine bay is completely done other than wiring harness. Oh and the motor haha the motor thats in there now is heading out and getting replaced by a 3.1L. I originally was going to build this motor into the stroker but its a lot cheaper (on a budget) to just buy the long block from datsunpartsllc.com (plus hunting down all the parts needed was getting old) so thats the plan as of now. So since I'm on a budget I'm just selling all the parts i can and saving every dollar so i can order it. Let me know what you guys think. I haven't seen anyone ever do an aluminum firewall i wonder why is there something I'm missing? Just want to make sure since its not super permanent until the new motor is in. *** http://forums.hybrid...es-please-read/
  15. thing i loved about it is it had absolutely no rust and the only bondo/body damage on the entire car was on the driver side door which is easily replaceable by the reaction research fiberglass doors :-)

  16. its gettin there all it needs is the head work and since it is in AZ for now its just sittin until i go visit and throw money at haha

  17. I found you. The car looks like a good place to start.

  18. SLY280Z

    77 280Z

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