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About goldenchild7801

  • Birthday 10/01/1978

goldenchild7801's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Just wondering if anyone is going to the Rock this weekend, Ill be there
  2. I just got out of the Air Force, was a Crewcheif on C-130's, worked C.E. doing electrical work interior, exterior, cathodic protection, advanced fire alarm systems, and did structural mainteance on the KC-35's, aka sheetmetal, Im a civilian now on the job hunt!
  3. Ill have to check out both cars when I get some time hook up with the two of you, your 300zx reminds me of my 300zx, but mine was an 86
  4. Feels good to be back, just left some -15 degree weather back in North Dakota
  5. Just wanted to say whats up to everyone on the hybridz forums . I see some Z cars around Charlotte N.C. if anyone wants to show off their cars Im willing to check them out , need to get my blood boiling again since I unfortuantely had to give my 75 280z up . Im back home now so Im on the hunt for another Z!!!
  6. Yup, I could/would cut the steel sheets myself if I could get it to my job, the hyd shear at my job is larger than the one at the metal shop I went to
  7. Hey big phil, how big are you. I believe I saw some weight gainer on the frig. I use to be 196lbs at 5'10'' and benched 330lbs, now after 2 shoulder surgeries Ill be try to get 200lbs benching over 330lbs
  8. Ive decided to use 18 gauge, got it from a welding and machine shop. I didnt know i was going to get a 14.00 cutting charge though for 15 dollars of metal
  9. I like they way that sunroof looks, I called an installer and was quote $850 installed.
  10. I want to keep my sunroof now, but I dont want the gay pop-up that was installed. Anyone have pics of any Z's with electric sun/moonroofs installed
  11. I was going to carb my ka24e-tin my 240zx, but everyone on 240sx.org said it wouldnt work too good. I should have done it to be different and to show them that It would work and for less money. I know a guy who has a 13b rx3 that runs 10's all day and hes carbed
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