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Everything posted by 93TA

  1. What are you suggesting be my final goal for the LT1 that I just let sit? To put in a Z?
  2. Last night I wrecked my TA... probably totaled. Pretty ridiculous really... for once I was driving soft and slow leaving my campus... it had just started sprinkling, I turn left, shifted to second, and hit some wet spots simultaneously... immediately swung my rear out to the right, hopped teh left curb and hit a light post. I was only doing around 20. Airbags deployed, breaking my windshield, one tire blown, nose and one fender destroyed, some minor frame damage in that area as well. The book value on my car was only 4600, though it most likely would have sold for 6800-7500. It is an LT1 w/ T56, both @ 72000mi. I don't see how I am going to come out of this with much money at all, and definately not with a driveable car. I really need to be driving something again by next fall. The only way I can think of now to get driving again by that point is to put my motor and tranny in a high mile Z28, Formula, Trans Am, or Datsun. Datsuns sell cheaper than even high mile F-bodies, so that seems most logical. If I found a 260z or somethin for around 500... how much money and work would be involved in getting my LT1 and T56 running in the datsun. Is this even realistic? Could I accomplish it? It would need to run reliably. Cosmetic issues would obviously have less priority than mechanical issues. Thanks for any help, I am really lost as to what to do in this situation as a college student with very very limited funds most of the year. My car was my baby, got a great deal on it, and always took care of it. Drew
  3. Hum hum... owning a 93 Trans Am currently (LT1 w/ an M29 T56 transmission)... I'd like to say that 93 vs 94-97 is really an opinion/preference issue in many ways. - Some argue that the speed density cars are often faster than the MAF cars. - The ECM (vs the PCM on 94-02) is modified using "piggyback chip" programming, which is definately cheaper than dynotuning a 94+ PCM.. and in many cases can accomplish just as much. There are lots of small differences. There are some differences between 93-94 vs 95-97. Some between 93 vs 94-97. Some between 93-95.5 and 95.5-97. Etc, etc, etc. For 93-specific LT1 info... maybe see the boards at http://www.speeddensity.org Drew
  4. I have read alot about how to do stuff like this and talked to alot of T/A guys... but as far as paint and body.. i don't know THAT much. How much rust is too much... or... what rust CAN be repaired. I think that will be a big issue for me... knowing REALLY what to look for to get started.
  5. Yeah, not sure whether this is good or bad, but I probably wouldn't fall into the "might as well" category.. being that if this happens it will be this next summer or the following summer... I'm a Bio Pre-med major.. and will HAVE to do this low budget if at all. As far as the actually rolling car... how can I find a good one that won't need alot of work other than paint and the engine swap? I don't want to have to fix everything... as I am only moderately experienced in car mechanics.
  6. If I want to build an LT1 Z (R200 rear i think, I guess other than that, any 240/260/280Z).. how much money am I looking at? I strongly prefer being able to use a 6-speed T56 transmission if that is possible. That combo is what I have in my LT1 Trans Am right now. I want to build a Z that is a very reliable LT1 Z. The paint can be bad as long as the body is GOOD. The stock motor and tranny can be very high mile since I want to swap them out anyway. What am I lookin at?
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