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About nissun1

  • Birthday 11/11/1987

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    san francisco
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    my project is my love..

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  1. Looks like these could work on a 240/260/280z running a the larger tank setup. I measured the stock 240z straps and one came out to 33" and the other 26". The width is bigger by about 3/4" in comparison to the stock setup and for $51 is not that bad since they're becoming hard to find new. http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/spectra-premium-fuel-tank-straps-includes-2-straps-st191/20370560-P#fragment-2 These could work also for a 240z tank: http://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/spectra-premium-fuel-tank-straps-includes-2-straps-st139/20370180-P?vehicleIdFromReq=-1&isAllVehicle=true&vehicleIdSearch=-1&searchTerm=st139&showTitle=#fragment-2
  2. So I decided to go stock just for now until I can save up for the McKinney mounts. Would the round puck style insulators work well with using the stock mounting brackets? If so I can just go with that instead..McKinney sells theirs for $45..but stock mount insulators go for $150 on average. Here's the link: http://www.mckinneymotorsports.com/prod_motor+mount+styles Alternatively, I figured I could use the same style puck mount from a 1960/1961 Ford Falcon which would be cheaper because they run for $8 each. (Thats only if it can work)
  3. Looking for a set of McKinney mounts (RB20DET to S30), Also looking for: Custom oil pan to work with S30..if i cant find one i will go with Pat1's ITB intake runners Forward Plenum 94 300zx TT Heavy Duty Exedy Clutch ZG Fender Flares Bre Spoiler Autometer ulta lite Speedo Gauge
  4. I saw and read from a few people that it was a knock off product with really bad customer service. I figured in the mean time I can remove the mount from the block/cut and re-weld a new flat bracket so that i can move the engine rearward. If anyone would happen to have an extra set they can sell me that would be awesome
  5. So i'm finally preparing my s30 to do a RB20DET swap but I don't know if io should be cheap and go with the cxracing mount kit. I know the motor can bolt up to the original cross member but i want to have the engine close to the bulkhead. I've heard mixed responses from people using their products so i'm on the fence. For those that have done the swap and used cxracing parts to do it, what did you think? I really don't want to spend $525 on McKinney mounts when there are alternatives. Custom or swapped mounts? What do you think?
  6. Thanks borini but I ended up going with an rb swap instead. Please close thread.
  7. Hey guys I'm looking for a complete turbo swap for my 240z. What I'm looking for is the engine forward (no trans)..preferably a p90'd complete engine w/everything etc. I have prepped my 240sx tranny to mate with a earlier series engine. As for location, I'm out of Monterey, California. Reply with pictures preferred. (415) four seven zero- 8674
  8. I also have one laying around.
  9. I don't actually. I've been saving up and looking into possible swaps for the budget i had in mind. So for the amount i have, i figured more or less i might be able to get my car done by the end of this year. Hopefully if things go smoothly haha. But for the most part information on how to do the swap would help just as much zentech. I've been reading up and absorbing up as much info as i can on how to do it also. Currently i'm still sourcing for a complete swap though.
  10. I have looked through the forums and realized that their needs to be some information regarding rear axle (driver and passenger) differences. If any members would like to share some knowledge it would be greatly appreciated. I have heard stories of other members accidentally installing the drivers side on the passenger side and had problems when bottoming out over bumps or turns. Differences between early 240s and how to distinguish between left and right axles? Later years?
  11. I'm sort of in the same boat! I modified my bellhousing to adapt to a 240sx tranny and was wondering the same thing!
  12. Thanks zentech but $1600 is a bit over my budget at the moment :/ . Sorry for the misinformation guys it's been a while since i've been back on hbz.
  13. I know I was just wondering if any other company hade them besides Zccjdm.
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