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Everything posted by JimR

  1. Ive got tci 400 turbo transmission in my z car i live in colorado so its cold. When I start my car for about a couple of seconds the tourqe convertor wines I have the right amount of flued in it does any body have this problem?
  2. My question is in the tabco or vic. british catalog the rear wheel arch part. Dose that go all the way to the back of the car. In the picture it looks like it comes up a little short.My whole back part is rusted out do I need a doner car to cut that rear part off or does this part go all the way back. surly somebody has delt with this . Thanks Jim:icon56:
  3. But how do get a hold of them through the glove box or from under the dash?
  4. My question is how do you remove the center dash gauges on my 77 280z and the speedo cable. do you have to remove the dash? or can you get under the dash? I want to install a datsun to chevy speedo cable. thanks any help would be appreciated:burnout:
  5. that must be a little dis on the jtr manuel
  6. try using a preety good size rubber malid and tap each side to break loose
  7. Rick where did you get that piece on top of your carb?
  8. my fan and shroud were from a 93 sable wagon it fit perfect on the jtr rad. cools great too
  9. my car smells like gas also and my wife is alwas giving a s@#t over it they must be all cut out of the same cloth{ the wifes not the cars} any way I think my problem Is the fact that my fuel lines run right by my pipes so it seems like when its hot out when I shut it off you can here the gas like boiling over in the carb . But I also have braided lines but its riubber then has the stainless sheth over it I dont see any leaks does anyone have this problem?
  10. Ok I used two rubber gaskets and Its been two days no leaks. Whats nice about this Is you can tighten the bolts as tight as you want and the gaskets dont move . thanks for the idea Jim
  11. ok I M TRYING THE DOUBLE GASKET IDEA let you know
  12. thanks Injdragracing the pan and trans are brand new ill try that way see if it works
  13. Ok i feel stupid I cant get my 400 turbo oil pan to stop leaking IV been through 3 gaskets all ready. Its flat clean I tried dry and sealer but after a couple of days it starts leaking . Im not over tightening it doing the cross tighten method can somebody give a lesson thanks Jim:fmad:
  14. Its the same cover and tab as stock the motor is an 89, the dampner is from a 83 year . I just realized I put this on the ford section sorry
  15. My question is my 350 came with a 8.00 dampner for my swap I had to use I think a 7.25 one now my timing mark when the engine is running good dosent line up on the indecator is that because its smaller than the original one or could my cam gear be off one tooth . Like I said the engine runs fine . No misfires but it shows with timing light about 1.5 inch before the indecator thanks Jim
  16. JimR

    body work

    Thanks guys sorry about posting it here i thought I was in the body section .How do you get rid of it. Any way checked out tabco way cheaper thanks alot Jim
  17. JimR

    body work

    Thanks soulth ga check out site they are about half the price as victoria.How do you install these panels just cut the rusty part off and tack weld the knew one on then bondo the seem?let me know thanks Jim
  18. Ok Iv just finished my sbc convesion on my 77 280z now im readyto start the body work.My question is has anyone ordered steel body panels from the Victoria British cotologe they have lower quarter panels that you weld in place . I have rust on all the common places such as lower front fenders rockers rear quarters ect. Is this the right way to go ? I am not a body man so any thing you could tell me would help. Thanks Jim:cuss:
  19. Ok Iv just finished my 350 sbc conversion in my 77 280 now Im ready to start the body work. Iv got rust on all the common places lower fenders rockers and lower rear qurtrs.My question is has anyone bought steel body panels from the Victoria British catalog they have half panels that you weld in place is this the right way to go ? Iam not a body man so any help you guys could give me to get me started would help thanks Jim
  20. Also fill any holes in engine compartment and there are alot! keep fumes out and it looks better
  21. The a@w is a differant place now new name but they still have cruz night we should go this summer 2 v8zs are better than one for sure !!!!!!!!
  22. Thanks John it was the fluid level Im using A 350 dip stick tube so when the trans is full it shows all the way up past full so I wasnt putting enought in . Shifts good now thanks by the way Im in loveland Co.
  23. I have a 77, 280z with a 350 sm blk chevy. I bought a TCI 400 turbo trans from summit. Also I ordered a 2020 stall converter and a new flex plate. My problem started this weekend after installation. When I rev the engine to its stall speed some times it goes and sometimes it doesnt. When it does lock up it feels like its slipping and has no power. I read the directions and feel I have installed the converter right. Im confident I have the correct distance between the flex plate and the converter. The pump is pumping and I have an external cooler everything seems in order could I have a bad trans or converter? can anyone help as I have spent a lot of money on this setup and i am still not driving the car. thanks jim
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