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About champfacp

  • Birthday 01/12/1985

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  1. Subscribed! So you bolt on the crankshaft position sensor from the GTE... What about the cam sensor? Good job!!
  2. @Tyler031734: I agree with you, I don't trust these big numbers... That's what I thought: clean and simple fuel system, no surge tank, no "plumbing". And I like the idea of keeping the stock tank (for stock look and to avoid buying parts like fuel cell, not easy to find in Europe at a correct price...) What do you mean about the sizing of the pump and lines?
  3. Hello gents, I am thinking about fuel delivery for my 240z, and I've found this Aeromotive in tank fuel pump: Aeromotive stealth 18688 Here: http://aeromotiveinc.com/2012/11/phantom-fuel-system/ This kit seems pretty good, no needs to baffle the stock fuel tank, outlet, return and vent connections... Does someone here is using this kit? Any comments ?
  4. Hi, great job on this car! Love the build! Can you tell me where you get this AC blower? What brand? Thanks.
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