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Everything posted by bens1088

  1. awesome. im going to get the rims pretty soon. thanks zguitar71!
  2. no i didnt actually. I plugged in all my sound info into a calculator for SPL and thats what it came out to. lol you have NO idea how loud it is. i swear my rear window is going to shatter. like i said, im a electronics guy lol. ive been pulled over about 5 times but still no tickets so im good! i actually calculated it again with my new set up and its only 140.8 http://www.myhometheater.homestead.com/splcalculator.html but still thats crazy loud i only have 400 watts going into it too! thanks for your help btw
  3. hmm okay so im lookin at basicly 225/45/17? (depending on the brand) I have KONI shocks on. (I know nothing about suspension lol Im an electronics guy). Otherwise its all stock suspension. the 8 holes are there because it can be mounted on a 4x100 or a 4x114.3 i believe. oh i didnt see your spreadsheet. Let me take a look at that. I thought that the 280zx and the 240z were different in terms of offsets and stuff. On Modern motorsports the 240z and 280zx adapters are different. and I belivee the wheel well on the zx is bigger but let me take a look
  4. what are my options if i need to put on a +40 offset. Basicly, how big do my adapters need to be? 1.5 inches?
  5. oh yeah i decided to useeee the same wheels from before i think those would look really good on my z. but thats just me im into the small tire big rim thing lol
  6. I had a typo I ment to say 225/45/17 if that makes a difference. hmm So veritech if i get +38 I won't need the 7mm adapters? Zmanco, I am looking for that thin rubber look. In terms of the 5% higher speedometer my speedometer jumps anyway haha. but what would make it pretty small to not notice? does the 45 help? Thanks very much for the help. Im an eager kid trying to rebuild a z with that modern touch
  7. okay if someone can just confirm this setup is okay that woudl be great. i think it shoudl work but better safe then sorry. im gonna get 17x7 4x100 +40 offset with 215x40x17 tires all around. with 32mm adapters with a 7mm spacer which comes out to: 1.259+ .275= 1.535inches I have stock brakes and fenders. Think this will work? I can also get a +38 offset or different size tires. Tell me what you guys think.
  8. damnnn those are so expensive. im a student and broke lol. the other website has a thickness option
  9. hmm yeah i should just go buy my rims and do measurements
  10. http://www.adaptitusa.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=60 would those work? they seem right. 12x1.5 and pretty good price too 200$ with shipping. What do you guys think?
  11. thank you very much Davy you helped me alot!
  12. Do 240z wheel adapters work on a 280zx? i dont think so but someone confirm
  13. anyone find a place cheaper then motorsport for the honda adapters? or have some to sell? lol
  14. kph is the measurement for wattage khp is kansas highway patrol lol
  15. lol ok my friend keep telling me to use a 300zx engine. id otn kno 300z's lol i only know 240s and 280s lol hes like DROP IN A 300zx TWIN TURBO i was like no... you know how kids are!
  16. would a 300zxt (1st gen) fit right into a 280zx? or would it be easier to swap a 280zxt motor into a 280zx body?
  17. hmm ok so pretty simple just ecu, intake, exhaust, oil cooler. anyone know about the cali laws for engine swapping?
  18. no no i have a 280zx n/a and i want to drop a 300zx turbo (1st gen) or a 280zxt into my car.
  19. how much work is it to drop a turbo engine into a 280zx. Do i just need to bolt it and attach everything? how complicated and how many hours. what are the laws for this in california? i know they are strict about EVERYTHING and i dont want to get nailed and be screwed lol. i know theres something about the engine being older or something.
  20. 350kph = 217mph 400kph= 248mph hmm id say cut some metal, move some things around and drop in a v12 twin turbo or a super charger maybe bigger brakes? a cool steering wheel cover, and your in good shape! lol -hell, put in a buncha garrets AND a supercharger! lets go all the way with this one!
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