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Everything posted by bens1088

  1. Its very hard to find too. I only know of two places in the north bay that sell it. And these are like "in an alley way" shops
  2. so this is a group buy right? im in lol
  3. yeah, the intake manifold kills these engines, so theres no real point of a larger tb without porrtinn that sucker
  4. Just to throw it in here, you can recolor any interior part. I got a new tan headliner from a pick and pull but my interior is black. i went to my interior guy and he told me to get SEM Color Coat Flexible Coating. I used Satin Black 15243 on my interior and it looks beautiful. Its a little expensive ($12 a can) but it does wonders
  5. How do you get the face off the clock???? I cant figure it out.
  6. http://www.graytechsoftware.com/garage/tbs_linkage.asp searched, ka throttle body lol
  7. :search: :search: :search: :search: :search: :search: :search:
  8. well now i have another problem, a relay at kragens or napa is over $40! any ideas
  9. just kidding i got it it was the relay.
  10. I had the passenger panel off for quite a while, one day i decided to put it back on, and the blower motor stopped working. I pulled out out cleaned it out (had lots of leaves in it) and then put it back together and it stopped working. any ideas? I have been tinkering with it for 3 days now and nothing. For those who are familar with the blower on a 79 280zx, there is a yellow and white wire going into a fuse, are those both suposed to have power? and the other side has a blue and red wire i believe, those don't have power? lol if anyone has a wiring diagram and could post it, that would be amazing. Thanks
  11. ok some good info, any recommendations? Hopefully at a decent price?
  12. Oh yeah reason for swaping is the nismo seats dont give too much room for the old seat belts which make them hang a bit and they are getting old which = hanging. Oh yeah they are also breaking from getting the door slammed on them lol. my as well use the seats with what they were designed for
  13. I am looking for some "nismo" harnesses, is it me or do these look cheap? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/_Car-Truck-Parts-Accessories__UNIVERSAL-NISMO-NISSAN-4-POINT-HARNESS-RACING-SEAT-BELT_W0QQitemZ310076839562QQadnZCarQ20Q26Q20TruckQ20PartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQadiZ2865QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item310076839562&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A1|240%3A1318&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 the total comes out to about $60 for each harness. I might do a little autox but nothing really serious. I'm going to be attaching them to a harness bar. It just seems a bit cheap to me, what are your opinions? Thanks
  14. lol consider yourself lucky then
  15. alright im just not gonna worry about the thermostat housing bolt its not going anywhere ill just try and rethread the others
  16. So the engine was getting extremely hot, pulled the thermostat to see that it looked like it was at the bottom of the ocean for the last 30 years. In the process, two bolts snapped. I reversed drilled them to only dig myself into more problems. I cleared one, but need to tap it/rethread it. The other one has half a bolt in it cut straight down the middle. I said screw it i'll just pull the thermostat housing. I pulled the first bolt no problem, second one ...of course....snapped... its a 79NA, never had a rebuild. I am contemplating a swap now but I am in CA (smog ) Anyone have any suggestions? Ive never swapped an engine but id love to learn. what do i do?!
  17. Hi guys I have a 280zx with 17x7 +40 offset rims, 1.5" adapters and 225/45/17. Im about to go through a suspension restoration. What should I do? I'm looking at the Master Urethane Kit, 79-83 ZX from MSA. Front Control Arm Bushing Kit: 79-83 ZX Bushing Kit ($19.76) 79-83 ZX Camber Kit ($62.96) Rear Control Arm Bushing Kit: 79-83 ZX Bushing Kit ($35.06) Tension Rod Kit: 79-83 ZX Bushing Kit ($26.06) 79-83 ZX Tension Compression Kit ($26.96) Bump Stop Kit: 79-83 ZX Bump Stops (front only $14.36) What is the difference between the camber kit and the bushing kit? and tension compression kit? I read somewhere that the camber is messed up when you put on bigger rims and tires, so what do I need to fix this? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks
  18. bens1088

    Exhaust Note

    realllly loud btw lol
  19. bens1088

    Exhaust Note

    im usin a flowmaster 40's series and it sounds great
  20. i got a new clutch and when i floor it while driving the engine revs up really high like i have the clutch in but then when i let go it drops back down while the car isnt really going any faster. it seems like the clutch is slipping. it smells like burnt clutch when i stop too. whats your call?
  21. lol it was a bit of a dumb question. I have a non cali car and it has a premuffler. is there a freeflow pre muffler? do i even need it legally? I decided im gonna do a turbo swap when my engine goes out so i guess i shouldnt spend too much on this engine
  22. Any suguestions on speedin up a 79 NA 280zx? I have a k&n filter and exhaust. throttle body? something relatively cheap and easy to install. any ideas?
  23. I am having a problem with my 280zx. When i rev it up to about 3k the fan is blowing WAY too fast. Its done this before but it went away and now it wont go away. Any ideas? I think the fan clutch needs to be replaced. I cant rev it over 4k because it sounds like the fan is going to blow up. lol any ideas?
  24. I had the same problem, make sure all of the vacuum hoses are connected. I washed my engine and a hose got unplugged on the top of the intake. I put the hose back on and it ran fine
  25. I cant do it this week, I dont have my adapters or rims, but I'll get it by next week and show you guys.
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