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nismo kid

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Posts posted by nismo kid

  1. I took 5 seconds and welded a bar across the back of mine because the stand in the back of the car constantly pulls out. The one in front doesn't, I think it's because I got the mast just off of square when I welded it up. Very annoying, but it was a simple enough fix. The handle that came with the stand would work too. Can't remember if they have a hole in the end for a cotter pin or something to keep them from falling out. My handles are long gone...


    Oh cool. Yeah with my luck my s30 would have fell on the floor when I went to rotate it. And I would have followed while crying like a little girl lol

  2. It can be done. But its goin to take extra bracing, mounting system, etc. It will be alot of work. If your not very savy with fabricating find someone who is but be ready to pay. It would be nice to have if and only if it was done correctly. The last thing you want to do is hack a perfectly good z up.

  3. If I were you I would use some blue painters tape and tape it on to get the idea of how it will look. Then if you like it go ahead with it but there wont be any turning back. Just make sure its something YOU want. You will be the one seeing it every day every bodyelse will see it when we read your thread.

  4. Go to your nearest polytechnic or trade school and take some night courses in welding. It's fairly inexpensive, and worth it many many many times over in the future.


    +1 It takes practice to get good just like anything else. I would also go to your local book store and buy/read welding books they will help you out also.

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