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Posts posted by mxs666

  1. Stop laughing... I really need to find a usable tank.


    Refurbished, even better.


    I actually had a refurbished one... Guy sent it to me UPS.  Never delivered... Simply disappears.  


    UPS throws up their hands and says, "Sorry, F U..."  


    I don't even think the "sorry" was sincere


    Thanks - Michael


    (located in Louisiana near New Orleans) 

  2. Hey Y'all,


    Looking for a used jet kit so I can set up my triple webers.  I am pretty sure the kits for the DCOE 40s and 45s are the same.


    Obviously, the kit would most likely be missing the jets you used, but I figured it would probably be cheaper to replace the missing jets than have to by the new kits.


    Let me know if anyone has the kit for sale.

    Thanks and hope everyone has a great holiday next week.


    Love Cars, Love People...




  3. I bought what was supposed to be a complete suede kit for my 91 300zx/tt and when it arrived the guy seems to have lost the finisher that goes between the glove-box and the passenger door.


    Posted an add on tt.net and a guy there said he had it and sent me one that was basically black not charcoal (dont think that was stock).


    Any help would be appreciated.


    The part is kind of rectangular shaped and about 8in long x 4in wide


    Thanks - Michael 


    respond here or text me at 212.920.4310

  4. I am not sure most people would understand a "good bit" to be a 600% increase, but good luck selling you car in this market.


    If you are serious about selling it, you should be as aggressive as you can be as soon as you can, because with all the housing foreclosures and all the job lay offs - - especially those coming after the new year - - I think you are going to see a lot of nice cars for sale in an ever-declining market. (No house means no garage and no job means that you are selling your classic cars)


    If you watch ebay, you can already see it happening. Cars are not selling. It took almost 3 months for a guy to sell a really nice fully built twin turbo 350z and he ultimately sold it for like $28gs I think - -after asking $38.


    There is one on there now, that the guy cant get $25k for.


    Anyway, good luck.

  5. I think the experience of most people on this site may prove that the true costs will probably be 5x and as much as 10x what you are thinking if your plan is to spend $4 grand.


    If you are in Indiana, wanst there just a guy on this board who broke his leg who was looking to sell his rb25 conversion at a very reasonable price - significantly less than you would end up spending to get it to the point he already has his car. Check the for sale posts for the last month or so. It may have been a 280 and not a 240.

  6. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=138937


    there's an idea. Just swap out everything onto your car and then do the reverse swap with your motor into his and dump the second car. If you got that car for say $8gs and got $2 for the car you are dumping, thats $6g and you get the motor and most all of the conversion parts.


    could be a deal. not my car.


    wont work if you are located in japan, but if you are on the west coast, maybe...

  7. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=011&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=320289803441&rd=1


    Not an LS but if you were looking to spend that kind of $$ that Phantom was asking, you could have gotten this low number Scarab, in collector condition. At least a car like this one will retain some of its value, bc of the collectability of these original Scarab cars.


    If you check the auction, you can see the ids are private so who knows if the car actually sold, or if some 10 yr old kid w/zero feedback pulled the trigger. You can email the guy directly from ebay if you are interested and find out if the car actually sold.

  8. I am a moron too, but since you dont know it and since you complemented me, i will give you the best advice i have for buying a classic z. Check where the front fender meets the door. If that corner is not dead on square the body is shot. These are unibody cars and they bend over time for a variety of reasons. Once they bend, the front fender will never fit right and the door will never close properly and the lower line from the front of the fender to the back wheel arch wont be strait.


    To me that is the give away on these cars.


    And for some reason, people spend a lot of money rebuilding cars that are not sound to begin with. That is one of the reason that body kits are so popular on these cars too - - people use them to hide the fact that the body is sagging, but if you know what to look at you can always tell.


    Also, look at the front fender to door gap, especially from like 10 feet in a dead on perpendicular photo.


    Whether you take the black car or not, its a good example of what a strait car looks like and you will be much better off in the long run.


    Peace and good luck.

  9. I recommend leaving it an automatic and running the hell out of that car. For 8gs thats a 6g paint job on the car. Throw in another few gs for that motor and you are getting the rest for free from what i can see. That is a nice ride and if you are looking for a hybrid you should think of hopping on that one.


    If you cant get to where that car is, try and locate someone on this board or on ZCar.com who would be willing to go check it out. Offer $100 or something for someone to send you a bunch of pics. Odds are someone will do it for nothing.


    If you want to spend any $$ on that car in improvements, swap the rear half shafts from u-joints to CV joints, and swap the rear brakes. It looks nice and low, but it may need to be lowered just a little more.


    After that, you can probably run the heck out of that car.


    Good luck.

  10. Not mine and not actually an LS1 but for the $$$ this conversion looks like a sweet deal...




    The odds of finding an rb conversion are pretty slim. There are a few sr20 conversions out there for sale now. One on this board (silver although you would have to scrutinize the body integrity of that one) and another on ebay (if you check the completed auctions you can see it).


    If you want black, the link i sent you is one of the nicest looking black cars i have seen in a long time.


    Good luck and regards - Michael

  11. HIGH is what you are if you are dreaming of getting big money for a 240z.


    But if he wants to sell his car, he should post some pics and put up a price.


    At least he is right about beating cars 2x as fast. I sold my last 72 for $6,000 and it could easily beat hondas that cost $12k maybe even $15...

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