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Posts posted by Ozzie831

  1. Skirkland: From your first comment. yes it is turning haha I wondered the same thing.


    newzed: I just did what the video suggested and that's how I came to the conclusion that there was spark from the coil. But when i checked checked farther down the line (at the spark plugs themselves) There was 0 noticeable spark.


    I havn't gotten a new rotor yet due to being broke. Just starting a new job and havnt recieved my first paycheck yet, but it will be one of the first things on the checklist

  2. Hey how's it going?

        Ive been trying to turbo my 77 280z for a while now and Im getting close to finishing. I put in a MS, MSD 6al  and a blaster 2 coil. Im kind of a noob when it comes to wiring so Im not surprised if I screwed up somewhere.

         It tries to turn over but sadly nothing so I checked the spark. There is spark to the coil (I did the screw driver in the coil plug test by touching the white wire on the MSD 6al to a ground) but not to the plugs (I held a spark plug wire to a ground and no spark). I dont own a volt meter but I can get one from a buddy, I was just seeing if there may be some quick advice or some small thing that I could have jacked up.

       I know this is a pretty vague post but Im not sure what else Im supposed to put in. I will answer any questions to the best of my ability but again Im kinda noob when it comes to wiring. Thanks for any help or advice

  3. I talked to a guy at Megasquirt that said that he looked up my receipt and that it was a MS1 V2.2.
    My car has:
    55lb Seimen Deka injectors
    turbonetics .63AR 50trim t3/t4 turbo
    60mm 240sx TB
    MSD blaster 2 and MSD 6al.
    Lc-1 wideband
    AEM Tru boost controller/guage

    Im not sure what other info is needed but this is what is on the car. My injectors are big yes I know, I got them cheap. But the point of the matter is I was told because they where so big that I couldnt just take someone elses but im not sure f that is true

  4. Hey everyone.

    Im getting pretty close to starting my 77 280z for the first time in a long while. Im at the final stretch of my turbo build (hopefully) and I have no idea how to make a base tune.

    I dont have the money to have a tune shop do it; so my question is if anyone could give me some advice on how to make one or even help me make one. I know this is an extremely vague post but I have no idea what info is needed to even begin. Ive tried looking around and read some post but it's a whole different language to me.

    Thanks for any help It is very appreciated


  5. Hey everyone.

    Im getting pretty close to starting my 77 280z for the first time in a long while. Im at the final stretch of my turbo build (hopefully) and I have no idea how to make a base tune.

    I dont have the money to have a tune shop do it; so my question is if anyone could give me some advice on how to make one or even help me make one. I know this is an extremely vague post but I have no idea what info is needed to even begin. Ive tried looking around and read some post but it's a whole different language to me.

    Thanks for any help It is very appreciated


  6. Well I got into some uncomfortable angles and tried getting the part number. From what i can tell, it says "pma26-1" which i looked up on google and some other car part stores and didnt find anything. Im starting to think the wires aren't the stock color but they are indeed blue and black.

    It connects to the ecu with 2 black wires which have little numers on them. One says 12 and one says 19 (im not sure if that corresponds to the pin number).

    On a hunch I looked up where the 12 pin goes and that is to the altitude switch.


    My new question is if anyone can tell me that my find is correct, that what im looking at is altitude switch wiring

  7. This is a connection that is under the driver side dash. It went to the ecu I believe but I have no idea what it is for.

    Ive been looking through xenons30 electronic manuals for a while and I just cant seem to find it. It is a 2 wire connection with a blue wire and a black wire that seems to lead to some kind of (technical word) cylindrical thingumabob. If I am correct it seems to sit between a connection that I think goes to the key  ignition and what i think is the buzzer noise box. Im trying to hook up my ms and Im trying to figure out where everything goes so any help would be appreciated.

    forgot to mention that this is on a 77 280z


  8. Thanks hunter ill look more into it.


    Blu: I have searched. There are only 27 other posts that mention pcv this site and most are not directly linked to this question. I have read of some who blocked it but not much was said about it, thus me asking. 


    Helpful comments please, they are appreciated

  9. Is the PCV needed?

    Im in the middle of my turbo project and it's right in the way haha. (I believe my pcv is bad anyways)

    I have a small idea of what they do but Im not sure if I can just plug it and have everything be hunky dory afterwords or if i plug it and my car explodes.

    Rather have the info first before I do anything

    Thanks for any help

  10. Like the topic says im looking for a oil pickup tube. Im turboing my 280z and I bought a 280zxt oil pan. I was told that the original pick up would work by the guy that sold it to me, it does not. Im not sure if the hook up screws holes are the same or not, so any help is appreciated

  11. Spindle pins.........can go die in a fire.....nough said.


    I got one side out with a puller buuuuut the spindle pin is now stuck inside the puller and I cant get it out....

    the other end  of the puller is also threaded so I tried my luck on the other spindle pin..... the ****** snapped inside the puller, so now both sides of the puller are screwed and 3/4 of the second spindle pin is still on the car.... I have no idea where to get another spindle pin puller.

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