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Overkill Z

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Overkill Z last won the day on July 29 2010

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About Overkill Z

  • Birthday 10/21/1984

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  • Location
    Bay area -california
  • Interests
    fast Z cars

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  1. for some reason I could not post in the For sale section. I have listed the Overkill Z for sale. asking 35K. All of you know how much more then that I have put into the car. I Have plans to get into Air racing! http://sfbay.craigslist.org/nby/cto/4704375464.html
  2. As for the r200 it's doing just fine, must be a problem with your driving. As everyone else here knows already My car is real and so is the power. But hey you must know more then me about my own car... Impressive.
  3. I like the effect of lateral gforces both accelerating and decelerating. Makes for a good show L O L
  4. Lololol love you guys! Ya the plan was to do the whole whaling to the car ect.... But the weather wasn't that good and my other camera wasn't working so all I had was the go pro.
  5. Check out this video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/9Vp_XEvZCM4 Sent from my iPhone
  6. Check out this video on YouTube: http://youtu.be/9Vp_XEvZCM4 Sent from my iPhone
  7. Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPhone
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