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Everything posted by zfever

  1. I found it funny lol ... There was once a snail that was sick and tired of his reputation for being so slow. He decided to get some fast wheels to make up the difference. After shopping around a while, he decided that the Datsun 240Z was the car to get. So the snail goes to the nearest Datsun dealer and says he wants to buy the 240Z, but he wants it repainted to read 240-S The dealer asks, "Why?" The snail replies, "S’ stands for snail. I want everybody who sees me roaring past to know who's driving." Well, the dealer doesn't want to lose the unique opportunity to sell a car to a snail, so he agrees to have the car repainted for a small fee. The snail gets his new car and spent the rest of his days roaring happily down the highway at top speed. And whenever anyone would see him zooming by they'd say "Wow! Look at that S-car go!"
  2. Alright guys I will ask him about the dash. How much should I offer him for it? Thanks a lot for your help... I guess I will pass on this shell until I find one that is perfect for me. Sighhh oh when will she come ??? I have a bunch of mod parts (Flares, air dam, tokico springs etc etc) waiting to be put onto a shell and painted... now i just need to find an actual car!!! LOL
  3. I noticed the side skirt additions too... Rust free cars are hard to come by in Ottawa... shipping from FL is about 2500 and from Cali or Arizona its almost double that. I hope to find something soon (before winter hits here) so that I can sand blast and prime before the first snowfall. If any cars are even close to rust free around here I'd be happy to ship them to myslf.
  4. On the link there are a couple pics of the rails in the engine bay... my cousin said they seem strong but have surface rust on them (same for floors). Any comments about the body though? I jus found out that the rear quarters have bondo on them ... Was planning to sandblast the car and start afresh. But working the metal will be costly.. So really my q boils down to--- is 1600$ US good for this deal? Or should I keep looking for another clean(er) shell? How much are shells typically worth... and those parts that he is supplying are they worth the $ and the trip.
  5. I am looking for a shell thats pretty much ready for sandblasting or a shell thats been sand blasted... been searching for one for a while... dont care where it comes from im ready to pay for shipping... (so let me know if you have one or know of one!!!!) I did come across this however .... it comes with all the panels (derusted) as well as brand new set of doors (plus the old ones as well) + beautiful uncracked dash with new gauges... the plastics inside... etc etc. The only thing really missing is the seats and the carpetting. The guy has the original engine and rebuilt it + 4 sped transmission. He has replaced the floorpans. The problem I feel is that he said the last owner replaced the frame rails.. (he said they may be baddog rails when I asked)... but I feel "what if this wasnt done rite?". The car is about 4 hours away from me so its hard for me to go see it in person--so my cousin near there took the following pictures based on certain directions I gave him (looks like he didnt follow them): http://s38.photobucket.com/albums/e121/2pac_4lyf/ He's askin 1500$ for the whole project deal... What you guys think... Need to kno fast since one of my friends said he can help me bring it home in his trailer before he leaves to Florida day after tomorrow. Thanks!
  6. "This 240z belongs in a collection or museum, or a very discriminating enthusiast" ... wow thats called pride. I wonder what museum he'd want to see it in ....
  7. ahhh i see it now. The last pic was pretty poor qual.
  8. Came across this today... and a bunch of other cars converted into 4x4's www.jtruck.net/misc/4x4cars/
  9. why thanks guys that very nice of you. Thats what i plan on doin mikelly! summer is comin soon!
  10. So besides having a 240z in my garage, I'm going to be the owner of a classic Kawasaki Enduro. I know, I know your thinking "so whats a 100cc bike gonna do for you." Well not too much really but its a start. I picked it up... in mint condition mind you for 250$ CDN so i'm happy even if its only the deal . Good enough for a starter, the only way is up from here . Have a look and leave a comment!
  11. They were a lucky find on ebay actually.
  12. ^^^ haha so tru... their show may be interestin.. but there is no way id let my precious Z get publicly ostrasized.
  13. like add unnecesary weight... possibly a swimming pool in the hatch and a bar on the roof..
  14. Hi all, my gf called and said i was thinking of submitting your datsun to pimp my ride. And in all honesty i have never been so pissed... what an insult!
  15. for sure that sounds great. by the way where is midland!
  16. Hi everyone Not sure if you are in/near Ottawa, however a couple of us are planning on creating an official Z club before the start of spring/summer. Any support?
  17. Seller:jamesm1919( 0 ) Member:since Feb-26-07 in United States lmao it seems like hes an impulse seller.
  18. this is a perfect place now if you are looking for interior ideas!
  19. Kk... sorry guys I will post pictures tommorow evening! whats the cost of sand blasting anyway?
  20. Hi guys, I don't know what you folks define as a "lost cause" but its like every rock i turn seems to have rust in my 240z... for example, rite as soon as you open the door, the door outline has the showings of rust in it. Above the wheel well (where the small window fits) there is rust there... rust in the floor panels... what should i do?? can i get away without sandblasting? if not how much does it cost? and what does it involve :S
  21. Larry, i wanted to put on a metal ring so that i could secure the boot with screws... is that possible on a 240z 1971--- i mean in terms of size of the hole, are they the same?
  22. Hi just wondering whats the difference between the following boot covers: http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=32869-7071Z and http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=32869-S30 why does one have holes to screw it in... and how come it wont fit in a 1971 240z
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