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Everything posted by tommyboy

  1. I forgot to ask if you could PM me contact info as well.
  2. Actually, in my Nissan Service Manual, it says this under the Trouble Diagnoses part for the Headlights: CONDITION: Headlamps do not come on either high or low beams. PROBABLE CAUSE: 1. Burnt fusible link. CHECKED, ALL GOOD. 2. Loose connection or open circuit. CHECKED ALL HARNESS CONNECTIONS AND CIRCUITS FOR CONTINUITY - ALL GOOD. 3. Faulty Lighting switch. CHECKED AND ALL CONTACTS & CONNECTIONS ARE GOOD. 4. Faulty Headlamp Sensor. DON'T HAVE A WAY TO CHECK IT. So I'm gonna try and get one form the local wrecker and I'll see how that goes.
  3. I'd be interested in a set if they will fit a 280ZX. The tail lenses are different than that of a 240 or 260, however, I HAVE seen this style of tail lens used on the '79 - '80 280Zs. I've attached some photos of what they look like. Whaddya think?
  4. Sorry, I forgot to add that one in too. Checked and all of my grounds are good.
  5. Alrighty, UPDATE. I've checked the switch, the connector that connects the switch to the main harness, and the headlight relay, all to no avail. I don't know what the deuce is goin on but the next thing Ima do is check the wire that connects from the fusible link for the headlights to the fuse box. If anyone has any other ideas what it might be, I'd really appreciate it.
  6. I did check the relay (I actually checked all 3 just in case) and they're good. I'll check the connection today though, and see if that's it. But if the contact was burnt, wouldn't the lights flicker, or dim when they were on?
  7. Ok, so as the title says, I gotta headlight issue with my '81 N/A 2+2 and wanted to know what you guys think it might be. When I go to turn on my lights, the running lights will turn on but when I turn the switch to headlights, they won't come on. When I flip the switch back and forth from running lights to headlights, they will sometimes come on, and when they do, they will stay on until I turn them off. Also, when they DO turn on, they don't flicker, nor do they dim or anything. I've checked and cleaned the connections in the combination switch, I also checked the fuses, all to no avail. Also, now after a few days, they no longer come on at all. I've been looking through my Nissan service manual, and I think the problem might be the Headlamp Sensor, which is located right in front of the relay box in the engine bay. But unfortunately there's no info about what this "Headlamp Sensor" is, or what it does exactly. Can you guys help? Thankx a lot!
  8. I ALSO forgot to mention that it's Non Turbo also. Sorry.
  9. LOL Sorry, I forgot to mention my car info. I have an N/A '81 280ZX 2+2 GL with a custom fuel rail, a universal Aeromotive FPR, stock injectors, and SS fuel lines.
  10. Hey guys. I'm in need of a new fuel pump, and I'm wondering which brand you think is the best in terms of price, quality, warranty, etc. If you could help me out, I'd appreciate it! Thankx.
  11. I'm wanting to swap my tranny for a Borg Warner T5 but I need know if a T5 from an '83 280ZXT would fit my '81 N/A 280ZX 2+2? I know that the flywheel size is the same for a 2+2 and a turbo, but I'm not sure If the driveshaft from my car would fit the T5. If you guys could help me with this, I'd REALLY appreciate it. Thankx :mrgreen:
  12. Thankx guys. As an update to my previous questions about the inner door "fuzzies", I got the answer I needed when I mounted the panels onto the doors. With the panels carpeted, you can't put the inner door chrome trim on because it interferes with the windoiws rolling up and down. However, the GOOD thing about not installing them on a carpeted panel is that the carpet itself acts as a inner door "fuzzy" trim, lining up with the window perfectly, and also giving the panel a more "streamlined" look. Again, THANKX A LOT for all of the help and input guys!!!!!!!
  13. Hey guys, I FINALLY finished my door panels. Werll, I told ya I'd take some pics when I got done, so here they are. These were taken after I made the holes for my speakers and reinforced the door where the fiber board is riveted onto the metal hanger. And these are the finished products. I carpeted them after I fiberglassed because I felt that it went better with the rest of the interior of my car rather than using bondo and painting them smooth. ENJOY!!!
  14. Not yet, but when I get 'em finished I take a few and post them.
  15. I emailed zcarsource.com to see if they had any for the 2+2 and the guy said they did, but it's not listed on the site so you might have to email 'em too if you want those.
  16. That's a really good idea! The chrome trim isn't broken on my door trim tohough, just the fuzzy. And I finally found a site that carries the aftermarket ones. For anyone who wants some, the site is http://www.zcarsource.com/. They said that it won't fit EXACTLY because the 280ZX has a slight curve in the door, but if you're lookin to replace the fuzzy part only and not the whole trim, you can take the old one out and put the new one in. The guy also quoted me a price of $13.37 a piece. Hope this helps anyone else who's lookin!!!
  17. They only have the door trim for 240Z-280Z '70-'78. Again, I've looked all over the net and I can't seem to find anyone whos sells stock or aftermarket "Fuzzy" door trim for the 280ZX 2+2. I found one site that sells 'em 4 the coupe, but the doors on the coupe are shorter. That's why I'm looking to somehow make custom ones.
  18. I thought about using felt, but at a closer look, the original "fuzzy material" is alot thicker (about 1/4 inch) than standard felt (between 1/8 to 1/16 inch thick). It almost looks like the material used in those hobby pipe cleaners (minus the metal wire).
  19. Ok, I'm modding my door panels with fiberglass so I can mount some speakers in 'em. Well, I broke off some of the black fuzzy stuff from the top molding that touches the window, and I was wondering if anyone knows where to get some to replace it. I've looked all over the net but the only ones I can find are for the '70-'78 280Z coupes. Could I possibly substitute it with something else?
  20. So it's no big deal then? The 100 octane fuel is unleaded just like normal 91 octane.
  21. I wasn't sure if I should put this post in this section or the fuel delivery section, so I'll start it here. As the title states, I wanna know if I can use higher octane fuel in my car without hurting the engine somehow. The Gas City down the street from my house started selling 100 octane "racing fuel", But I don't know a lot about fuel octanes to know if I'll hurt the engine by running this for long periods of time. Here are the specs for my car: 1981 N/A L6 280ZX 2+2 All newly rebuilt original engine N42 non-EGR intake manifold K&N cold air intake 60mm throttle body If you guys could gimme any insight at all I'd appreciate it. Thankx!
  22. I'm runnin NGK Iridiums in my '81 N/A 280ZX and I freakin LOVE em. They perform a lot better than the platinums I used to have, PLUS they came with a 5 year warranty!!! I mean, I've never heard of a spark plug comin with a warranty. Anywho, here's a link to the ones I have. http://www.ngksparkplugs.com/products/cars_trucks_suvs/iridiumix.asp?nav=11000&country=US
  23. Okay guys, I have an update. I installed the maxi fuse blocks in my car with 20 amp fuses in replacement of the brown fusible links (though, you might need a bigger fuse for the combo headlight relay depending on your headlight setup), 40 amp fuses in replacement of the green fusible links, and an 80 amp fuse in replacement of the black fusible link. Well, so far so good. Everything works great, and I will keep you posted on any new happenings. Also, I'll post a few pics of my setup either later tonight or tomorrow. Good luck everyone!!!:-D:-D:-D
  24. Holy Shnikeys!!! You're right! Sorry 'bout that guys. Aparently I got some bad info. The brown ones ARE 0.3mm^2, the green are 0.5mm^2, and the black is 1.25mm^2. My bad (Damn internet lol), anywho, hope this clears up my mistake.
  25. Alrighty guys after a lot, and I mean A LOT, of searching and hoping, I di it!!! I finally finally found out that the fusible link amp ratings found on this link: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/fusiblelinks/index.html are right for the 280ZX's also. I know some of you are asking yourselfs, "Sow how can this be true when there aren't any amp ratings for brown fusible links?" Well here it is...apparently, the fusible links that we all think (including good ol' Nissan) are brown, are ACTUALLY red! I know, I know, they don't really look red. More like a rust color eh? I mean, even Nissan has 'em labeled as brown when you order them! Even though they're labeled brown, they have the same amp rating as the red ones. I found a thread on one of the Z forums online where a guy tested the fusible links out of a 280ZX and his findings were that the greens fry around 40 amps, the browns (reds) fry at around 50 amps, and the black ones fry around 80 amps (just like the linked page above says). Well, there it is folks. A little FYI though, I'm gonna be installing a Maxi fuse block in my car in the next few days, so I'll keep ya posted as to how it's runnin. GOOD LUCK ALL!!!
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