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83 HKS L28ET

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Everything posted by 83 HKS L28ET

  1. door seems to have problem with hinge... another thing i noticed today... so that clears that one i checked an disconnected the fusible links.. none of them were burnt out should i replace them?
  2. Yea hope theres someone out there that can help me on this... Ok Well i have a 83 280zx turbo things that have occured in the last months Last 3 injectors close to driver leak out the o-ring <---easy fix power windows dont function.. dash lights dont turn on an clock isnt working speedo is goin crazy even at a dead stop... the needle even broke radio doesnt work brakelights only turn on when applying the brakes an heres a fukin marvelous one....driver door doesnt open i wanna fix this like all tomorrow but it doesnt seem likely maybe with some insight with guys that have had these problems in the past it can be fixed quick an painless without the chase of gremlins. PLEASE HELP.
  3. 91-92 se-r seats 89-91 swift gti seats
  4. i have apex s-itc ignition timing controller ,an s-afc hopefully when i wire them up i can provide some insight into this... even though the cars systems are alil outdated it should still work with proper wiring an settings.. the itc letts me change the timing an certain rpms even at idle.
  5. what did you guys dial in for IN/OUT? 6IN 6 OUT? Also the running rich might be from the maf not working well with s-afc... how bout chaning out the Maf for a vg30et or vg30dett maf? the in/out would change considerably as well.. this is only ideas.. ive done my share of s-afc insanity in the past with SR an 7m they both loved it .
  6. get 91-92 se-r seats.... recaro made them.. very comfortable an fat people friendly.. or CRX SI SEATS 88-91
  7. anybody know what company or other car has seat brackets to fit 83 280zx turbo ? i got a pair of bride brix an i wanna put them on but does anyone know of a car or does stock seat bracket work with modification? i know wedge engineering makes brackets but.. pricey an sit higher then usual.
  8. this is what it looked like on the car
  9. well have alot of couplings... from previous de-t set ups... also i already have 2 intercoolers, 2 bovs so all i would need is the piping.. heres a pic of the bov im gonna use off the stock jpipe... an boost guage i have in it
  10. factory torque specs to tighten the head are wrong in the factory manual.. it suppose to be 4 pds more then what is says.. if i remember correctly its suppose to be 77 pds at the end... but hey if it aint broke dont fix it
  11. welders down here tax like its cool.. im definetly gonna go out an check around... i dont wanna pay 450$ again.. wish i had a welder thanks force.
  12. well they'll make it an route it anyway id like.. also.. i have old school HKS bov which ill recirculate the pricing may be steep but down time of 1 day..any route id like plus any size diameter piping, mandrel bent,nice welds... cant ask for more.. but yea the pricing is a bit high but worth it in my opinion. an yea its black w/ tan interior
  13. specs on 3' thick ,3 inch end tanks ill post pics if you like
  14. i know theres aplace out there owner of the shop has an 83 turbo 280 z rb26dett matted with z32 tranny cars grey... i dont remeber the name of the shop but its also on r34 stock wheels.hope that helps ....
  15. i know man but just didnt want the down time.rather slap it on an ride.. ill probably go to VRS an tell them to make me a set of pipes with bov flange an everything ... probably cost me about 450$
  16. sorry bout the poor quality an the pics of 280 are outdated since previous owner... ill get new ones soon.
  17. thanks i already have an HKS intercooler just looking for the piping.. or if anyone has a pic of what the hks piping looks like.. there site doesnt have the 280zx pictured.
  18. thanks rich just found it on ebay .. it looks good bro
  19. the piping your getting.. also what spring/shock combo you using to get the car to sit that low?
  20. Ive searched but didnt find anything.. trying to see if theres a company out there that makes pre-made intercooler piping for l28 in s30 chassis?
  21. understand fully we get that ♥♥♥♥ on sr20 forum alot . i just aquired a 83 280z turbo i dd a 93 se-r an i dont have anyhting to do with those Pinks guys... further more.. thermostat removal isnt something i would do on a car that might get to hot due to lead foot an the mentality that your engine is gonna last longer then competetors.... the flow of water circulating threw the motor will get too hot an if your lucky just a blown radiator hose might slow you down that day... but headtemp will be crazy not worth it... if you wanna run high boost an richen it up a bit getting another thermostat an drilling tiny holes in it it should richen up alil more without the overly immense heat goin threw the whole motor.
  22. no i saw the show an thought it was pretty pathetic to give that car away.sad really. what were the banned people bitching about? that not having a thermo was good?
  23. pink z not having a thermo wasnt the problem... it was the previous owners of the pinks Z that were the problem... also.. i would have removed fan clutch an installed two slim fans the nt having thermo might have helped in the fact that it was running rich off the get go but ... by the 2nd an thiurd time it wasnt gonna last
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