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Everything posted by the.goodhumorman

  1. I know this is going to be a great idea and it is going to be some really difficult work. Any other info that people can input, like how to bond glass to metal so nothing will show through, it would help immensely. Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  2. So, any of you pro photoshoppers? Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  3. So, I am looking to do things on my Z that I have never heard of before. I was up late last night so I got to thinking and I got my next great idea. I want to weld the hatch shut, clean up the edges so everything is perfectly flat and then modify the glass so it will be frameless and open similar to a ford escape. Does anyone know of anyone that has done this? Anyone have a picture. I am not good at it at all so if anyone could photoshop it and post it, that would be awesome. I want the glass to be similar to the picture below Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  4. Nice video. I like it very much. I'l drive up there and join you guys one of these years. Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  5. No other tips. Just make sure you can get the rope back through when you are done. Good luck with it. I just fnished that and I am happy everything still works.
  6. Oh, definitely. I have already thought of that. Thanks for the reminder though. Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  7. Hey thanks guys. I am going to try this today and with any luck it will work. Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  8. I have everything (and I mean everything) removed from the back of the car. I am trying to remove the grouping of wires that has everything for the tail lights, license plate light and so forth. I have it all good up until the rear quarter window. I cant get it through. Is it tie-wrapped? It will not budge and I do not want to rip any of the cabling. Thanks to everyonw for this awesome site! Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  9. Well, I am just glad that this is working. I am going to get the rest of the holes filled today and then I am going to take pictures. I cant wait! Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  10. It was a grounding issue. I did do everything right, however I had also accidentally disconnected the antenna ground which was the one completing the grounding circuit. I did not notice it before. I plugged it in and everything is working alright now. I am not incompetent when it comes to wiring (I have done some before). I just dont like to do it. Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  11. Naviathan - There are no wires hanging loose. Everything should still be grounded just fine, I just took out some lights and left everything else grounded as it was. Dragonfly - The blinkers worked perfectly. Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  12. Well, the thing is, I removed all of the unused wiring. I am not using the antenna in the vehicle so I removed all of the antenna wiring. I also just cut out the side marker wiring since it will never be used in this car again. Where would I put a resistor in line? Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
  13. I am new to this forum but I am not going to ask a typical newbie question. I have quite a bit of experience with cars, except for electrical. I dont like doing it. However, I decided to shave my sidemarkers on the back of my 72 240z. How would I go about redoing the wiring to make sure everything still works like normal. I did what I would have believed to be correct. Now, when I turn the left signal on, both tail lights blink slowly and dim. When I turn the right blinker on, nothing happens. I know numerous people have done this before, and most likely with success. Please, help a fellow Z enthusiast out and get him and his car on the road as soon as possible. Thanks ~The Good Humor Man
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