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rjracin240 last won the day on May 21 2016

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About rjracin240

  • Birthday 04/16/1961

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    Lake Asbury Fl

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  1. Anyone have some pictures to post from the 2020 ZCON Trackday & Autocross?
  2. Have not had much luck searching and finding threads on performance oil pans for our L6 motors, so went out on my own on this one and am currently building a higher capacity oil pan. Do enjoy quite a few track days in my old beater, have had good luck with current oil pan on tracks with long straights such as Road Atlanta, and tracks with some banking to them such as Daytona on a stock pan. However have had the inclination to do a pan ever since getting a LD28 Maxima pan when I pulled the crankshaft out. This pan definitely has more capacity and with the "wings" has some metering to it when the oil sloshes from side to side. Looking at it to me seemed like it could be an improvement over stock. There are a couple of questions though such as the inside of the pan and the baffles, does anyone here have any suggestions on them or do they look good as they are?
  3. Would consider looking around at some Laurel pans, or other cars that had a L6 pan and mod one unless you get lucky and find a LD28 center sump pan
  4. Good time, did the auto-X and track day. Looking forward to next year and doing the Z NAtionals track day.
  5. Who all is going to 2018 ZCON at Atlanta this year and what events are you participating in? Auto-X, track Day, spectate car show and banquet for me!
  6. Had Pirelli Webbing in my 9/72 240Z, the black spacers are for adjusting seat height and came installed under the seat attachment bolts
  7. Keith, hope to see you there, took car out Saturday and ran with some Porsches and a viper this last Saturday ran pretty strong so good to go for Friday at Road Atlanta. Who else is going or am I only one representing the HYBRIDZ group?
  8. Just got my bottom end back from local machine shop, had been talking to Slovers a while back about doing my head but after reading your post I am very concerned about trusting his shop after reading your post. Would you do business with them again? PM'd you if you want to answer there.
  9. Rebekahs Z, hope you have your cage ready to go and see you there.
  10. Fair number of the newer stuff but a very respectable show of the S30 models for the track day, take a look a the video's from the website znationals.com and should give you a fair answer to your question.
  11. My those are pretty sweet any chance of 6 for my 44 Mikunis?
  12. It is that time of year again to start making plans for the Z Nationals, great event last year, with a huge car show and awesome track day at Road Atlanta. Hopefully Keith wont have any excuses not to attend this year. Not sure if I might bring the 510 this year for something different at the car show, or bring the faithful Z to have fun with on the track. Let the smack talking begin! znationals.com 10/13/17 Track day at Road Atlanta 10/14/17 Car show at Cool Ray Field and banquet dinner following show
  13. Not sure why the quote is not coming up, but referring to the comment about OP being irritating to someone for asking about pictures. Any thought to the fact that this gentleman said he was currently deployed to Afghanistan, so it might be a little difficult to go crawl around a Z and analyze these spots your saying for him to study? Thank you sir for serving our country.
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