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Everything posted by drowz

  1. Thank you all so much for helping me out on my thread. I'm so glad my z is coming together! I found it on craigslist, but not when i searched for datsun... I searched datson, hoping someone wasn't paying attention. It had been there for over a month, then when I called him he said I was the first person (stupid of him). So I got it for $350, and I'm all kinds of excited!
  2. do you have any idea which head would be on the 81 280zxt? If the computer and turbo didn't work, I'll be rebuilding the engine anyway, so I could put flat top pistons in just fine and what not.
  3. what are the odds that the computer is working on the zxt? good, bad? If it didn't work and I didn't want to deal with the efi, would I be able to use the block for a na engine? Is that Idaho Z Car place a junkyard or what?
  4. Hey thank you so much. I'll be going to look at the zxt soon. Maybe he'll let me just take the engine for less... Or would I be able to use anything else from the car for parts? Again, thanks a bunch I really appreciate it.
  5. Well, I think I'll go hunting for an l28. But seriously, I live in Boise Idaho... Where am I going to find one?
  6. thank you... What is IMO?
  7. Well, I think I want to go the na route, because I don't want to deal with efi. Because where I'll find an engine is probably a junkyard, then I'll have no idea what is wrong with the computer if it was driven to the death and so on. here's a quick question, will my e88 head work with an l28 block? And is it any better and so on.
  8. I think you helped me on my last thread, thanks again. I'll tell my mechanic boss guy the new plan and see what he has to say. btw, your car is bad ass.
  9. Hi, here I am, fairly new to hybridz... My last thread got shut down because I didn't do research before asking stupid questions. This time I did, so now on with my stupid questions. I have a 73 240z, I'm not a mechanic, and don't pretend to be, but my boss who seems to like me enough (or just my car) is always offering to help out. He is mechanic, and has been working on cars forever. As fun as my 91 hyundai excel might sound to drive I'd like something faster. Something fun and reliable when the weather is nice, and I'd also like to autocross it. Should I keep the l24, or should I look for an l28? I was thinking a cam, header, exhaust, the su carbs, and I've taken off all of the smog stuff. And I don't have any problem putting in premium fuel, if that matters... If I just did that stuff to the l24 would that be enough? Or would it just be a waste of money?
  10. Hey, thank you very much zmanco. I'll definitely be giving that guy a call.
  11. I actually go to Seattle to visit relatives like 2x a year, so I might do that.
  12. Yeah, that really is a bummer. Unfortunately that kind of thing happens... At least that means there might be people around here who know what they're doing on a z.
  13. I got hosed on where I live... Does anyone know of anyone in Idaho (more specifically Boise) who knows anything about z cars? I need someone to bore and balance the engine, the rest I can do. Anything input would be awesome, Thanks.
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