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Everything posted by Jer260Z

  1. It is, the rest of the car is in pretty decent shape (rust wise!) Sat in a farmers field in MD for 4 years so it held up pretty good. I will check out baddog
  2. Hey everyone. These frame rails are obviously shot. Is it too far gone? What are my best options. I also found some on the floor board under the seats. The rest of the car has very little rust, some minor surface rust on the body.
  3. That's Insane!!! What's it feel like to be #1 on a google search? Your a rockstar dude! LOL!!
  4. Big phil... Great vids on youtube! I haven't owned a z since 85 (76 - 280). I found a deal that (believe it or not) my wife would not let me pass up - but it took several weeks to work out getting it to jersey. before that, I did some searching on youtube and ran across your videos, great stuff. Got me pumped for the long road ahead. Your Z is awesome!
  5. thanks for your help!! I have read some of the fusible link stories here so hopefully it's that easy.. Eventually I will replace the fusible links with possibly a circuit breaker option. One thing at a time.. thanks again!
  6. the Black link closet to the firewall keeps blowing. First time when it was raining and I hit the wipers. car completely died. Next day after dryin out abit, replaced the link and dis-connecting the wiper motor - she fired right up. I reconnected the wiper motor and took it for a drive tonight. No wipers, just the headlights - Ran for about 10 minutes and the same link blew. I believe this link is for the starter motor - is this correct? Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting. Electric is not my bag.
  7. Hmmm.... Car was running fine and took if for a ride tonight. after about 10 minutes the fusible link blew again.. did not run the wipers but did plug the connector back. Is it possible for a short in the wiper motor to blow a link even if the wipers are not operating?
  8. I have the turbine style unfinished aluminum rims that are in dire need of work. Anyone have any good methods or chemicals to get these cleaned?
  9. I am guessing it was water in the motor coil. Changed out the link and fired right up. Thanks for you help.
  10. It was raining pretty heavy here in NJ yesterday... First time I had it out in the rain, just picked it up a few weeks ago and garaged it since then. Clear today so maybe it will dry out abit... going to disconnect the switch as well. thanks....
  11. I started my 260z this afternoon, idle for about 10 minutes.. It was raining so I hit my lights then my wipers. Soon as I turned on my wipers one of my fusible links blew. I tried to replace it with another but sparked so I held off. Disconnected the wiper motor - same thing.. Anyone have any ideas?
  12. Did you have any problems towing with a dolly? Will be moving mine this weekend...
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