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Everything posted by two40

  1. I just want to know what's up with all the pruninig/archiving of all threads in this place? I like to browse past the first page from time to time but can't here. Yeah I know I can do a search but I shouldn't have to search for a thread that's a week old and has happened to just get pruned.
  2. two40

    Rear Left

    Thank you. The wheels are from a local dealer. If I farted they would smell it. Seriously though, I love the dish on them and they are very easy to clean.
  3. Found another unit from http://www.painlesswiring.com There is a store that stocks them so I'll be getting one tomorrow morning. Not sure which one my local stocks but it has to be one of these two.
  4. Nice box. Thanks for that. I guess the old stock boxes will never cut it for me and keep melting. Might just patch up my current one to get the car running for a while until I get a better box. Really appreciate your help Pop. I would have gone with a stock box otherwise and more headaches down the track btw, I just realised this thread is in the wrong section. Sorry
  5. Will look into MSA but for the time being I need a local solution (I'm in Sydney). Has anyone had this problem and used modern fuses? Did this solve the problem for you? Thanks Pop
  6. I was taking my sound system out a few days ago and when I got to the actual deck I discovered the fuse box cover had a bit of heat distortion. Checking the fuses I found the top two on the right hand side had overheated and melted the plastic box. They are still holding on but it’s bothering me now so I’m going to be replacing it. The weird thing is there were two wires that had been tapped in to two separate fuses. I’m no electrician but I’m willing to bet that this could be the cause of the overheating. These wires were not there when I bought the car so some electrician has done a dodgy job of it. I have heard of the fuse boxes melting with stock load but putting extra current through them will accelerate the process right? Now that I think about it, when I bought the car the cover had been melted extremely. The box itself was fine which leads me to believe that either the cover was from another car or this car has a recurring problem. My question is, would there be an independent fuse solution so that I can avoid tapping the two wires in to the box to avoid putting extra load on it? Also, I’d be right in thinking that if I were to trace the wires that use the two fuses where the melting occurred I would find a short somewhere? What else could cause the fuses to overheat? Thanks
  7. two40


    Agreed. Very very nice colour.
  8. The roads in Toronto must be pretty good then. I'd make mince meat out of the dam and exhaust here in Sydney. One of my favourite stretches of road which is actually pretty smooth has rollercoaster type ripples. They're not too close to each other so at normal speed they don't do much but taken at high speeds is another matter. You end up nose diving where you least expect it. Anyway, some pretty fat tyres there. What size if you don't mind me asking? Have you used coil overs to get more room inwards or is it all pumped out?
  9. two40

    Baby got back

    From the album: My 240Z

    Love this shot. I didn't take it unfortunately. It's the first shot I saw of her and instantly was curious.
  10. two40


    From the album: My 240Z

    That's me behind the bonnet when I first met her after a 12 hour drive non-stop with no sleep. Who needs drugs, I was buzzing with excitement and the lack of blood flow probably had something to do with it as well.
  11. two40

    My old beauty

    From the album: My Old 240Z

    She was stock and she was very neat. I miss her
  12. two40

    K&N Filter

    From the album: My 240Z

    New and gleaming filter
  13. two40

    Letting it hang

    From the album: My 240Z

    Up on the hoist letting it hang.
  14. two40


    From the album: My 240Z

  15. two40

    Front Right

    From the album: My 240Z

    A day at the beach. Too bad it was overcast
  16. Why waste your money when you can get a go-kart for a fraction of the price
  17. Mean and lean. Very nice. Hey, do you have problems with your exhaust scraping?
  18. Video Games Now, whenever I mention this everyone seems to think of pale, childish pimple faced geeks sitting behind a computer. Well, those 'geeks' spend money. Lots and lots of money. The video games industry is bigger than the movie and music industries and at its current growth rate it will be bigger than both of them put together in a matter of years. Thus far the Virtual Reality sector has not taken off quiet as well as I had imagined it would but it's out there and it's ready to explode with the ever increasing advancement of technology and it's shift to portability. If you can tap into VR at the right time and with the right products you could be a very wealthy man indeed.
  19. Can a dry cell battery be recharged? I've got a Hawker SBS40 and it's loosing power and I don't really want to buy a new one. Cheers
  20. I'm giving up on the uni's and will opt for the cv half shafts. After a short search most everyone seems to convert to the 280zx turbo cv half shafts. Is this the best way to go? I know I've pretty much answered my own question but money being no consideration, are the 280zxt cv's the best/easiest conversion for the R200?
  21. Just need some help with a weird noise from the rear end. Over a month ago I broke a uni-joint and replaced it. Last night I gave the car a bit of a workout and when I went to park it I heard a crack (metalic clunk) while accelerating in reverse. Driving home it happened again in first gear this time going up a hill. Got home safely and this morning I had a look but found nothing so I tried to simulate it again and it happened a couple of times in reverse under a heavier than normal load. If it was the uni-joints it wouldn't happen again and again would it? Could it be the diff mount or something else? 290rwhp(or thereabouts) r200 diff and half shafts with 10in rubber Cheers
  22. Here's a thread I found. http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=5560&highlight=plates
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