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Everything posted by JoshuA

  1. Boy that will make for one helluva combination with a Rebello bottom end. I haven't seen much from them lately, did they move forward with the stroker crank they were working on? Supposed to make for a 3.34 liter build if I remember right.
  2. Sounds great man! You mentioned before that this was a pretty conservative build compression and cam wise, correct?
  3. Been a while since I've had an opportunity to check in on this project. Pretty awesome that you got Rebello involved, those flow numbers look great!
  4. Wow Derek, you've been a busy little bee! Been a lot of progress since I've made my rounds. Well done man, that's looking AMAZING!
  5. Shit, I haven't been on the forums in a while. Looks like I've missed a lot. Those cams became quite the PITA job! But all looks great. Still outsourcing the lobe grinding and polishing?
  6. Can almost see the light from here. Still a good amount to do though, I suppose. It's pretty exciting to see this come together. When do you anticipate you'll have the cams ground for this? https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/11101222_955102757863556_5975098830518405437_o.jpg
  7. Man, that's really exciting! The casting looks really good off the printed moulds. Buying a $10K head is off the table this year, sad to say it just isn't in the budget. It definitely goes in the bin of must have though. This year money goes into my RZs. Excellent work there Derek!
  8. I don't mean to clog up this thread, long day and not enought sleep. Complete thoughts aren't cumulating at full speed, haha. Another question, before it slips my mind, was whether you had decided on your manifold yet? I think the DCOEs get up to 55mm.... I could be wrong. The K20 can get some pretty wicked flow compared to what these old L heads will do worked over. Where do you stand on that side of things thus far?
  9. Good to hear you're still working on that. Life has a funny way... You may have mentioned earlier on, but what kind of chamber volume are you looking at here?
  10. I like a lot of the lights for mk1 VW Golf. You can get them pretty much anyway you like. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/z/UvsAAOSwBvNToycO/$_35.JPG
  11. Old thread, I know. Some of the old school motorcycle caps are pretty cool too. http://images.wemoto.com/full/FUEL_CAP/10002666.jpg
  12. Also, if that RZ500 goes on the market let me know. It go nicely with my pair of 350s and other assorted Yamaha smokers.
  13. I'm a new member on Hybridz, but glad I stumbled in here. I hope you can keep this thing going Derek, awesome work so far. Happy new year eveyone, cheers.
  14. Hey all, new guy on an old thread here. With how many great colors Ferrari has used over the years this link has some real eye candy for those searching for paint ideas. Cheers! http://www.ferrari-collection.net/color/ferrari_colors.htm
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