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Posts posted by 240z8

  1. We tried to put the car in gear while it was moving, and without the clutch it wouldn't shift. We followed the lines from the clutch to a fill up spot underneath the driver side inspection lid next to the brake booster. It is bone dry.


    What type of fluid goes in there? Does it use brake fluid or something else?




    Thanks, Justin

  2. Normally with the solenoid, doesn't it continue to click? Our problem is that it clicks once and stops. The solenoid is engaging but the engine isn't turning over. Do we have a bad starter or what?



    Also, what size bolt/nut is on the crank pulley? We are trying to manually turn the engine over so see if the engine is seized or not. The largest I could find in my toolbox was a 21mm, and it was too small.



  3. That reminded me of this one I saw on classiczcars.com a few years back.


    (yeah its just a photoshop, not a real car).





    To me, that photoshopped Z looks like a c110 Skyline.



    BTW Master Mechanic, your front end looks amazing. :mrgreen:

  4. OK, we finally got the car to the house. I did a fast wash on most of the car and found out that I need to tighten the hatch water catching thing so it will stop leaking into the wheel well, I need a new windshield weatherstrip, but I'll probably need an entire kit for the weatherstrips.


    Here are some pics of the car when we got it to the house:



    All 3 Z's:




    Front shot after a quick wash:





    3/4 shot:





    Battery tray after washing and drying. Its rusty but not rusted through, I bet a good sandblasting will clear that right up:





    We hooked up the suburban to the battery and got the car to turn over, so we went and got a new battery, some engine starting fluid to help start it, some brake fluid so the brakes would work, but the car wouldn't turn over after. The starter clicks but nothing else happens. What could be wrong?


    Also, what is the best weatherstripping kit? One that isn't too thick so my doors will close normal.






  5. Wow, sounds like my first Z. The car was said to be a 72 240z, but it turned out to be a 76 280z. Look around the dash rivets, see if they are scratched around them like someone did a bad job putting them in, the cop that ran the vins on my car told me about that.


    Other than that, have your vins run by the local police to make sure neither of the vins are stolen.

  6. I've had this question itching at the back of my mind since mid-January.


    Most likely everyone knows what a 2-way mirror is, when a light pops on behind them they become see-through, when lights are off behind them they are a mirror.


    Does anyone know if there is something like a 2-way color, with the same basic principals of the 2-way mirror?


    I really like the way colored headlight covers look on an S30, like on a race car Z or a Reaction Research body kit (minus the wide body, just the headlight area). Here are some pics that I found here on the forums and on reaction research:






    Here is the pic of Darius's car without headlights and a 280yz kit on his car, I like the way it makes the car look really smooth:




    I did a little bit of searching, but I couldn't find anything on it. Is there any way(if there isn't a such thing as a 2-way color) to replicate that effect, like putting really bright headlights behind darkly tinted headlight covers that are the color of the body? Or would not enough light come out from behind the tint?





  7. Here is a pic of the engine:




    I don't know much about the engine, I didn't actually talk to the man selling it. I think my dad said something about it being from a '72 and it didn't run. I think my dad will probably know more about it right now than I do, since he talked the the guy.


    The car is $400. I looked under the car and the framerails looked fine, they weren't rusted through or warped. The car is in a much better condition than I had hoped, I was expecting huge holes in the floors like the other 2, but it only had the small amount. =]

  8. One of my dad's friends told him about this Z and we did some calling around and found the owner. The other project (the '73) is being put on hold because this one is gonna be easier to get working.


    Here is the link to the '73:



    And the other Z is just, well, the other Z: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=143300


    This Z has a much better body that the other 2 Zs at my house. There are some itty-bitty little holes in the floors. The driver side door has a huge dent in it and the front end of the driver side quarter panel has some rust and needs to be replaced. The car was made in July of '70. The vin is 6849.


    Here are some pics of the car. =]



    The quarter panel:




    Here is a side shot, you cant see the dent very well, but if you follow the surface rust, that is the top of the dent, and the darker looking spot is the dent.:




    Here is a pic of the battery tray, the only visible rust is where the battery was sitting:



    Here is a pic of the rear of the car:






    The wheel well has no rust:





    The rust in the driver floor. Only a small rust patch around one of the plugs.





    The passenger rust spots:




    There is some flaky looking rust by the front plug:





    A side shot:





    Another Pic:





    Front shot:





    Also, the car has these funny looking splits in the corners of the roof:





    There is surface rust on most edges, but the car looks good otherwise.


    I was confused when I saw lots of holes where tool compartments should have been, but then I remembered that older Zs are different. :)



  9. Over my spring break, I slept alot, but other than that I did a little bit more work on the car.


    I took the headliner out and the rest of the interior out:




    I took the dash and the air stuff that was behind the dash. I guess the air stuff didn't like me so it spilled stuff all over me when I took it out:




    I chipped out the sound deafening stuff out of the back half of the car and on the driver side of the transmission tunnel:




    I sanded out most of the rust out of the wheel well. Thankfully it wasn't cancerous at all. It was all surface rust. Then on the spots I couldn't get to with the sander, I poured Lime Away on it and it took most of it off:




    We are cleaning out the garage some more, so hopefully, I can get the car in soon and I wont disturb the neighbors with the grinder at night. =]



  10. OK, over the last week, we got a little bit more done.


    Today, I got most of the bondo off of the other quarter panel, it isn't as bad as the other quarter panel, but it is warped and ripply.





    We cleaned up the engine bay up some more. I still have some spots to sand though.






    I sanded the bottom and part of the rear side of the driver side door jam:




    We chipped away at the tar looking stuff on the transmission tunnel:





    Is there any better way than hammer and chisel to get that stuff of the car?


    I have a couple more question:


    One of my seat mounts is rusted through and busted, do I need them to mount different seats? Or if I choose to stick with the stock seats, where can I get new mounts? I can't remember the site... :)




    Here is my last question for the day:


    Where can I get a new hydraulic arm thing for the hatch. It is too weak for the one thing to keep the hatch up. I tried switching one of them from the 280z and it didn't help.


    I also noticed that my roof is warped, I only got a little bondo off, but it is easy to tell.



  11. Not live cartridges, i hope




    Nope, they were off the ground at the Melrose Bombing Range.:lol:


    Ok, Kinser and I did a bunch of work on the car. I tried grinding what was left of the battery tray out, but that took forever, so Kinser got the idea to break the spot welds from the other side, and most of the battery try is out now.


    I ground the battery area down to a near bare steel besides the spots where there were little bumps and I primered it so it wouldn't rust anymore:




    Then I went over the driver side quarter panel that we've been working on for a while with the angle grinder and at least 95% of the bondo is off now. I covered it with primer so it wouldn't rust and so i can se where the rest of the bondo is:




    There are even creases in the metal behind the quarter window. It looks like it was hit pretty hard.


    We even took the angle grinder and got most of the rust off of the front of the car. Then we primered that too:




    I got a little bit of bondo off of the passenger side quarter panel:




    Kinser and I even got the hood primered:





    For the pictures of the driver quarter panel, they look alot better in the light with some shadows. You can see how bad they are messed up.



    And some more good news! My eyes are healed up and i feel fine!!!



    I'll try to keep the news coming :-D




  12. Since the time shifted forward an hour last night, I didn't notice that it was early in the morning,so i didn't go to sleep last night...


    I did a little Photoshopping of how it might look, I made a guesstimate on how wide the two bodies were in comparison and i came out to this:


    This is with the letters closer to the body color:




    This is a pic of the letters the same color as the truck:




    This is the truck I cloned the letters from:




    Its not the best job, but it gives you an idea.


    From what i can see, there is no way to fit it in between the tail lights without cutting it up.




  13. OK, here is what i look like now:




    When i got there, they did tests on my vision, and it wasn't as good as normal due to rust in my eye. They said the rust in my left eye was so little that it would go away on its own, but the rust in the right eye would cause redness and irritation for weeks, so they numbed my eye and used something almost like a mini Dremel with a burr thing on it and got the rust out that way.


    Then they put some more numbing stuff in, then put in some 3 day dilating/numbing stuff in, put the huge bandaid on an gave me another appointment in the morning tomorrow.


    There are some good things about this happening to me, I got some Long John Silvers, and 3 days out of school.




  14. Well, I was very stupid. I was cleaning up some 20MM bullets from an F-16 Gatling gun pretty again by using a grinder and wasn't wearing any eye protection.

    I didn't even think about it when i got some metal in my eyes. I washed my eyes out and then went to sleep. The next morning (FEB 25) i woke up and my eyes hurt. I had to work at the Agriculture Expo with the Boy Scouts for the day making food for people. My eyes hurt really bad during that. Then at 12:20 i called my dad to come get me because i was getting dizzy and was about to puke. He came and got me and when i got home i went to sleep. My dad made an appointment at Eye Associates in Clovis for 1:40. When we got there, i had metal in both of my eyes, they took it out and have an appointment at 6 today to get rust out or something.



    I slept for like 18 hours and my eyes felt better because i got a prescription for a Vaseline type stuff with meds in it to make my eyes feel better. It is still hard to keep my eyes open though.



    I definitely learned a lesson!!! EVERYBODY WEAR SAFETY GLASSES WHEN USING A GRINDER!!!!!!!!!!




  15. After all of this time of doing nothing, we finally did something.


    We got the driver side front cleaned up and put a coat of primer on in.




    We got the battery box cut out, its not very pretty there.........




    Earlier today after I got out of school, I took the wire brush tool, and I got the dirt and gritty stuff off of most of the passenger side:




    And last Friday, we did a little bit of work on the rear driver side quarter panel:




    Kinser (NOTSUREWHATTOPUT) made my rust "disappear" with black spray paint that I was using to paint the other Z for some reason...



    Well, that is all we've done so far, there is definitely more to come so stay tuned!!

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