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Posts posted by phantaz

  1. LOL yep thats it.. jeez weirdness for sure. thats got to be the right golf course and school then.. i used to walk down to lincoln i think and we would dare each other to run under the road through the giant drain under it linking the 2 sides to the course lol skeery stuff when your 7.


    do you do the Ortega highway run between 15 and 5 above lake Elsinor? used to rip that up on my bike.

  2. hmmm ill have to call my Mom and ask what the name of that chuch and school is...

    its on Ontario closer to the 91 side coming from anaheim. damn its been so long i cant remember the exit.. damn... time to pull out a map LOL

    she lives on the 2000 block of ontario ave. guess that would be the west side...same side as the church... man this is weird. just off the 15 on umm lincoln i think was that exit, i used to run into Kevin Costner all the time getting gas at the huge station LOL small world is right =)

  3. It's only like 2-3 wires per gauge and each gauge is only like a max of 1/2" deep' date=' even the speedo and tach!


    yeah i'm still in Corona. what elementary did u attend and which years? i've gone to school here all my life and have always lived in or near corona.[/quote']



    I went to school near the Golf course by Ontario Ave...that was like in 1976 though so dont even ask me the name LOL.. My mom still lives on that street..about 5 houses up from that huge church..i think its near Lincoln and Ontario Ave.. behind that used to be nothing but hills and now its nothing but houses lol.

    used to take the 15 up from San diego when i was in the navy to visit her and go riding my bike on that killer highway above lake elsinor that goes between there and I-5. I also have family in Escondido but havnt seen them in like 10 years. Then i moved to Anaheim where i lived for about 4 years before moving to Oregon.

  4. man thats a nice set up...but would hate to see the wiring behind it LOL

    does look amazing though and love that they are in stock locations.


    Hey 280zforce... you still live in Corona?? i went to k-2 grade there and my mom and aunt still live there. i went back about 6 years ago and about had a heart attack...the city has exploded in growth into the hills. crazy stuff

    end thread jack LOL

  5. Hummm, not sure, they don't mention alluminum anywhere



    "Ashland entered the metal-to-metal panel bonding arena in 2004 with the launch of PLIOGRIP 5760B panel bonding epoxy. Available in 220ml and 400ml, two-to-one cartridge formats, PLIOGRIP 5760B epoxy is the first in a growing line of panel bonding adhesives"


    this was toward the bottom, ive used this stuff on my scale planes and boats... and they will bond aluminum together once its prepped corectly =)

  6. I shaved first' date=' but later decided to wax it. Still unsatisfied, I had it tucked and lifted, but eventually I took it to the Michael Jackson clinic for refacing my entire a$$:



    i look at his... i look at mine.... i look at his.... i look at mine....


    yep.. two completely different cars.. mine was made in Japan and his was made in Gorgeous Car Creations on planet NEENER NEENER under the import name of dont you wish you had a car like this too??


    hides head in shame at my poor attempt to paint and play with 'glass.


    please wave hand in my direction so that some of your obvious excellent creativity waft's my way here in OK.


    your car is what made me join this site in the first place.

  7. exact same thign with mine... shut it off and it will start right up ... let it sit for 10 20 and wont start or run super rough with no rmp to speak of.. if i wait an hour or so ..start right up.... sounds silly but i wrapped the exhaust with tin foil and i mean wrapped to check about boiling the gas out of the rails and causeing pockets of ait to lock it up.... and problem stopped so i put heat wrap on it and its been fine ever since... the only other time ive had a simliar problem was when one of my injectors took a crap on me at sonic. drove home belching and sputtering. damn injectors lol

  8. yeah.. wasnt sure if you had another z or a second engnie in yours while your head was getting done.


    i think im going this next meet for the z club but from what i hear they are all restoration z'ers. i dont think im going to fit in but at least i can look at sime seriously nice z's =)

  9. You need your own forum on here Paul =).

    links to pictures, guides, and general help. its not like you dont ramble enough once you get going LOL


    love your posts though.


    ok question.. in the first pic of the maxima head the areaaround the spark plug hole was still humped up.. was that removed later or left ? and for what reason was it left if it was? maybe a stupid question but an honest one.





  10. guess im the lone dog on this one but im used to it =).. since you've gone aftermarket FI and turbos on your other projects.. i would go the triple webber route =)


    IMHO other than a big honking turbo nothing looks as good under the hood as a cleaned up engine bay and a set of chromed triple webbers sitting there.. once tuned they start in just about any weather because you sure as hell dont need a choke with them lol. since you wont need all the wiring a aftermarket or standard FI system needs the engine bay will look awesome. nothing wrong with a set of nicely built SU's but if you have the Webb's that would be my suggestion. good power, GREAT sound great looks and reliability to boot.

  11. thanks i got more sanding to do before spraying 3 more layers of clear...its been chilly outside so i stoped...

    well its suppose to be Dodge Viper Black...and there seems to be some shade to it...i dont know but i love how it turned out so far.....i think brown comes from my oak garage walls...yes my whole garage is solid oak!!!


    garage...den... same thing for a guy =) look great and glad to see another zx'r doing his car up . i painted my first car a few years ago and i know from experience how hard it is to do it in a garage... dust, bugs, trash ...man its tough to lay down a nice clean spray job without having to deal with all that too !!!

  12. did you put that on bare metal? or is that a rough sanded so it had something to adhere too?? doesnt look to bad.. some "bubbling" look to it in the second pic but you say its flattening out and not color sanded yet. Not bad for just rolled on for sure. i havnt read much about the roller thing yet so im searching right after i post this but any info woudl be welcome =0)


    and IMHO yes.. go for a darker grey =) i like the original color you have on it now.

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