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Posts posted by zguy95135

  1. I finally got my driver's liscense today! Took the test and passed, that was a nerve wracking 10 minutes... Thank god, finally! Now I get to drive around and I dont have to walk home from school anymore :), I get to drive my dad's '78 2+2 since my Z isnt driveable at all right now.



  2. I know what you mean, its my senior year too. Most of my friends are going to community college here and San Jose State, a couple into the military, and I'm going to Ventura for film school. Its going to be weird never seeing friends I've had for years, and some that I've had since I was in kindergarten.

  3. ca22f9bm.jpg <--click


    I was messing around with my special effects program. I went out into the backyard and shot this :P . I added a filter to the video, lense flare and the rocket. I could have made the smoke stay longer but it would take too long. I added all the ambient sounds and rocket/explosion in Windows movie maker. Too bad the quality got kinda crappy when I uploaded it, oh well.


    Oh yeah, on the website volume up all the way, and your speakers up kinda high. It sounds better that way.

  4. Man dates woman for six months... it Turns out she's his mother!


    By Grace Green


    MARSEILLES, France -- Skirt-chasing playboy Daniel Anceneaux spent weeks talking with a sensual woman on the Internet before arranging a romantic rendezvous at a remote beach -- and discovering that his on-line sweetie of six months was his own mother!


    "I walked out on that dark beach thinking I was going to hook up with the girl of my dreams," the rattled bachelor later admitted. "And there she was, wearing white shorts and a pink tank top, just like she'd said she would.


    "But when I got close, she turned around -- and we both got the shock of our lives. I mean, I didn't know what to say. All I could think was, 'Oh my God! it's Mama!' "


    But the worst was yet to come. Just as the mortified mother and son realized the error of their ways, a patrolman passed by and cited them for visiting a restricted beach after dark.


    "Danny and I were so flustered, we blurted out the whole story to the cop," recalled matronly mom Nicole, 52. "The policeman wrote a report, a local TV station got hold of it -- and the next thing we knew, our picture and our story was all over the 6 o'clock news. "People started pointing and laughing at us on the street -- and they haven't stopped laughing since."


    The girl-crazy X-ray technician said he began flirting with normally straitlaced Nicole -- who lives six miles away in a Marseilles suburb -- while scouring the Internet for young ladies to put a little pizzazz in his life.


    "Mom called herself Sweet Juliette and I called myself The Prince of Pleasure, and unfortunately, neither one of us had any idea who the other was," said flabbergasted Daniel.


    "The conversations even got a little racy a couple of times.


    "But I really started to fall for her, because there seemed to be a sensitive side that you don't see in many girls.


    "She sent me poems she had written and told me about her dreams and desires, and it was really very romantic.


    "The truth is, I got to see a side of my mom I'd never seen before. I'm grateful for that."


    When starry-eyed Daniel asked Sweet Juliette to send him a picture, Nicole e-mailed him a photo of a curvy, half-clad cutie she'd scanned from a men's magazine.


    "The girl in the picture was so beautiful, I begged Juliette to meet me on the beach -- and Mom said yes," he recalled. "Mom says she was falling for me, too, and she just wanted to meet me, even though she knew I'd be disappointed when I saw her.


    "As for me, I figured I was going to find the girl of my dreams.


    "I guess that's about as wrong as I've ever been."


    Daniel admits he and his mother could do little but stammer and stutter around each other for days after their cyberspace exploits came to light. And his father Paul -- Nicole's husband of 27 years -- wasn't too happy when the story hit the news and his beer-drinking buddies made him the butt of their jokes.


    "Dad was ticked for a while and he forbid Mom to talk to anybody on the Internet ever again," said embarrassed Daniel.


    Owned is the first word that comes to mind... Ugh, they were having "racy" conversations, and it turns out he was talking to his mother. :barf:

  5. "it's just a fleshwound... I'll be ok..." :lmao:


    Damn' date=' man! Looking at it was almost as painful as reading through the (understandably) poor typing! :lmao:


    Mike :cool:[/quote']


    lol im starting to get used to the left handed thing, i'm sure you can tell that my typing has improved since friday :P. my writing still sucks though, looks like a toddlers :) . Going to school tommorrow should be interesting...

  6. "Oh my god... Did you permentantly damage any of the motion in your fingers?!?"


    thankfully, no. while i was standing there bleeding in the garage, the 1st thing i did was check to see if i could feel asnd move my fingers. they are still sore/stiff, especially my index finger, but the doctor says that since i can still move it forward and back its a good sign that my tendons werent torn (it was easier yesterday, now hurts to move it more then a little). i'm going the the hand surgeon on monday to get an mri to see if any were nicked ect.

  7. sorry if my typing sucks, i have to do it wioth my left hand...



    i had been cleaning my airsfot barel with some paper toiwels, aqnd one got stuck in it. it was jammerd in there really tight, and i coulnt get i6t out. i had to resort to tryibg to piund it out with a screw driver. So i was, and it was almost out but then i lifted the barrewl off thre vertical screwderiver too much, it slipped out and i slammed my hand diwn oln it :eek: . I had to pul it out ,it wasin a good 5 inches, from one side of mu palm to the other, nearly cming out the other side. in that moment i wasnt sure if i wasd goingt o tell my parents abou it , i didnt know how bad it was, then thr blood started flowibg out and i raninside. i ened up getting to thte er in 15mins and they gave me something to disinfect it and an xray. by that time the terrrible pain had gone away. i hav eto take anti biotics to make sure it doesnt het infected and icould lose the use of my finbgers if thre infection ets bad. ill hae to waity until sunday to see if tyhere are any warning signds of infection. thanbk god it wads a new clean FLAT head scrw driver. if it was philps head or it was turned th other way i woulkd be reallu messed up. lukili it missed everything, my trigger figer is stiff, but it should be fine in a week or so



    u can see the puncture on thr bottom. the tip sdtpped where i cicled, the camera sux so u cant see the recytangular blue briuse made by the head. man, it almost went all the way thru. now im stick usdig my laft hand for a while, for EVERYTHING :P . this hasppenned yesterdy, and my hand was pretty sore this morening, i dont want to know abut tomorrow :(


    ARG .i bet my old shop teacher would be opissed since i was beibg suc an idiot :(

  8. I know you guys probably don't care, but now I can drive manual :-D. My dad took out the Z yesterday and taught me how to drive stick, now I have it down almost perfectly. I don't have trouble on hills or in traffic, and haven't stalled the car (well once in the beginning). I got to drive out to my grandpa's house and back, it so much more fun to drive manual then with an automatic.


    They call me... the Clutch Master :P





    Only 4 more months until I get my liscense... :toetap05:

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