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Posts posted by smsms

  1. On 2/12/2020 at 4:23 PM, grannyknot said:

    I've had that same leak and I temporarily stopped the leak by wrapping the joint where it's leaking from with thick cotton kitchen cord.  8-10 wraps as tight as the cord will let you without breaking, it wicks up some oil and stops the rest. It worked for over 4 yrs before I sold it and is probably still holding.


    Just wanted to say that this worked great. It has been leak free for the past 6 months!! Thanks Grannyknot!

  2. Hello!


    I'm experimenting with 3D printing some interior parts for my 280z.

    I'm looking for dimensions of the radio face plate to cover up the hold in the middle of my console. I can get them myself but must remove the console to be able to get accurate measurements. If anyone has a face plate lying around, I would really appreciate you measuring it for me.

    I will upload the files for anyone to use once I finalize it

  3. Im looking for a replacement for the brake cylinder reservoir for a 77 280z. I pushed a bit too hard on mine and it cracked, I guess thats what happens to 40 year old plastic. I cant find any reservoirs for sale anywhere, just the full master cylinder replacement. Thanks!


  4. Is it normal to have oil at the shifter assembly? I think this is what has been causing my leak. I changed the rear output seal and nothing changed, so this mus be it. Is there any other reason why the oil got here other than an overfilled transmission?

    This is a 5 speed in a 77 280z btw



  5. Yeah I realize how dumb it was to fully install them without testing first. Ill try the 9V battery thing to see if it helps. I also got managed to get them replaced by the seller so hopefully the next set will work properly. I also emptied the fuel tank, since it has been sitting for a couple of months and will change the fuel filter again just to be sure. Thanks for the suggestions!

  6. I bought a set of remanufactured injectors. I have an electric fuel pump that i have to switch on before i start the engine. I noticed when I pulled the plugs that one of my cylinders is flooded with fuel, I pulled the injector and turned the pump on and it just constantly sprays fuel. Could it be a faulty injector or will the injector start to fire properly once I start the engine? How do I properly troubleshoot this?

  7. Damn this is going to be much more of a pain than I thought it would be. I got the majority of the rust off using a center punch and scraping the rest with a razor. I kinda damaged the thread on the bolt by trying to turn it with a vise and my stud extractor, so the welded nut might be out of the question, I also dont want to risk welding the block surface since I have no experience welding anything. I might just have to pull the block out if nothing else works. Thanks for the help!

  8. Rusted head bolt snapped. That thing looks welded onto the block, its probably just rust accumulating and hardened. What do?

    Taking the block out to a machine shop is going to be a last resort. I'm currently soaking it in pb blaster to see if I can loosen it up. Any suggestions on the best way to get this thing out?


  9. I'm looking into gettin a ceramic coated header and the performance exhaust system for my 77 280z, I'm using ms2 and have an o2 sensor welded into my exhaust pipe. The headers dont come with an o2 bung. Should I buy the coated header and weld a bung into the collector pipe? It seems like a bad idea and might ruin the ceramic coating, or should I buy an uncoated on and and coat it myself after I weld the bung in?



  10. I recently fixed an engine oil leak that made a mess all around the underside of my 77 280z. After a few months of the leak stopping I noticed that my transmission is also leaking at the rear where it meets the the driveshaft. I also noticed it only leaks when I drive it.

    Is this because the transmission might be overfilled? Or could it be a bad seal? If I have to remove the driveshaft, what's the best way to do it? I'll add some pics, you can see the oil drip and splatter all over the car. Thanks!





  11. I had a slight ticking sound in my engine a while ago and decided to adjust my valve lashes. I had no issues adjusting them, but when I put everything back in place I noticed a knocking noise coming from then engine, and it smells like its burning oil, my spark plugs are all black as well.


    I dont know what might have caused the knocking sound, as it wasn't there before. Could it be a collapsed lifter or a bad stem seal?


    I'll attach a video of the engine running, you can hear the knocking pretty clearly.


    This thing is driving me nuts.. I try to fix one problem and end up with 10 new ones.


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