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  1. Well well well, it's been a hell of a couple years for me personally and a lot has changed since then (jobs, world on fire, etc). Regarding the Z, I bought a 73 240Z frame in decent shape and have been putting it together. Took the rear end off the 260z scrap I had and currently am trying to put it on the 240z (and of course I'm stuck on the spindle pin holding the strut assembly to the lower control arm. Already broke the zcar depot tool...) Anyway back on the carbed 2j. I basically finished it and figured out how to get it running. So I cannot make it fully mechanical and will need a crank sensor + an ecu to make it go. The good news is that I can get the cheapest ecu, turn off fuel, and input the alternator points, aftermarket crank sensor for the 2j (i have the older one that doesnt have one), and the knock sensors for it to run.
  2. Update!! Obviously it's been a very odd year in the car world, especially for getting parts -- which is where I'm stuck. Since I've last posted I've gotten the block back from the machine shop and installed the cleaned up pistons, new OEM rings, King rod and main bearings (overkill but all anyone had in stock), the crank, oil pump, upper oil pan, oil pickup, aaaaand that's it. The bottom end is done outside of me cleaning the oil pan and reinstalling it. I ordered a new head gasket from Cometic in June and still have not heard back, so I cant even install my head or anything else...so I'm stuck there engine-wise. i have a new OEM gasket, but quite a bit had to be shaved off the block (.016), so I ordered a .027 cometic MLS HG to compensate for that and the amount shaved off the head as well. According to endless calculations and research, I should be at around stock compression. I've been splitting my work between my sw20 mr2 (maintenance, new wilwood BBK, arms, etc.) and installing the apex parts. I had to contact them to swap some things out since I ordered 260z braces as didn't realize there was a split in the 260z modeling (early vs late, I have an early one) which takes 240z parts (and Apex was super cool about it and swapped out my braces). So I just need to finish that up and start measuring for the trans. I wish I had a bigger garage to learn to weld the holes in my floor...my plan for now is to install the motor and trans once I can get the rest of the 2j parts. Make sure it runs and drives/work out the kinks with the carb swap, and then basically take everything apart and properly do the body when I have the space. I would hate to half-ass the body work now, only to have to redo it later.
  3. @lowrider I didn't even consider an electric pump! this is a fantastic idea! thanks!! As of now I'm just waiting for slightly warmer weather to jump back into installing the subframe. The 2j block and head have been sent to the machinists so I guess I'm back to waiting. Doesn't matter cause NPR rings are sold out everywhere, so I'm waiting for a bit anyway.
  4. @seattlejester So it looks like my best choices are between modifying the apexeng mount and getting ome custom made. I actually talked to an s30 fabricator on instagram. He says he could make me a perfect "lazer-measured" fit mount for it for around 4-500. While that's pricey, it might be worth the peace of mind. I guess we'll sre when it's time. I do, however, like that the apex mount supports the floor too. Anyway, i got a manifold made from danst as well (pic attached). Was going to have a local guy make it, but I think a manifold from the source was worth it for the extra 100 it cost me. I will need to either tap each tube and thread a hosetail to each for vacuum so I can run a line to the brake booster, charcoal canister, and maybe a catch can.
  5. I plan on being somewhat low, so I definitely don't want anything hanging. I'm using (and already have) the ApexEngineered front subframe and JZ mounts which sit up pretty high and close to the firewall. My two options are to use that cx racing mount which would probably need a spacer/sandwich plate to raise up the w58 mount. But I think I'm going to stay away from cx racing because of your experience and others which have said the same thing. So thanks for the heads up. So instead I'm considering buying the ApexEngineered T56/CD009/RB25 mount and drill it out to accept the W58 mount. https://www.apexengineered.com/store/p27/RB25_%2F_T56_%2F_CD009_Transmission_Mount.html It looks like it mounts to the floor instead of the OEM trans mounts which could help with mounting the trans in the correct position without using an "offset arc". This may be my best option and I can attest to the quality of their materials. It's also cheaper than the cx racing version. Any thoughts? I think this solves both the height and the depth concern if I can get the mount to fit.
  6. I would love to reuse the trans mounts and not cut them off. CX racing looks like it has an r154 mount that utilizes the s30 mounts which I like and might buy: https://www.cxracing.com/engine-swap-kit/engine-swap-kit-nissan-datsun/engine-swap-kit-nissan-datsun-240z-260z-280z-s30/TM-R154-240Z according to a facebook 2jz swap page, the r154 and w58 use the same mounting areas, so worst comes to worst I might have to extend the mount but it look like my best bet since I'm not a welder. Yea I looked at the megajolt. I guess I'll figure out what I want to do once the motor is actually installed. Both the megajolt and msd are good options, guess it'll come down to what I plan for the future. I'm sure googleing your handle + the keywords will get me to the thread, I'll check it out! I found a universal loom that I can hook everything else up to, so just the alternator/starter wiring is left. I'll update the thread once I get my engine back from the machine shop and I start putting it together. I cant wait to hear this thing run.
  7. @Zetsaz Exactly. I just want to use my one of my favorite engines in one of my favorite cars and keep it period correct. With light mods I think this will sound very similar to a rebello 3L so I'm excited. I really dont care what the hp numbers will be cause even if I get stock power it'll be punchy. @seattlejester Yea I've been seeing that the W58 is glass after 350hp which I wont be around so I think it's a good middle ground. Just wish I could confirm whether the mounting points are the same as the r154. The mounting point for the trans is what I'm trying to figure out. On your other point, yea I got a manifold from danst, I'll have to drill and attach a hose to each of the pipes and connect them to some summit racing vacuum reservoir so I can hook the crank case, catch can, and brake booster to a single vacuum line. I may have someone make me a .5inch spacer I can put in between the manifold and the head so I can thread hosetails to them. Update: So I'm waiting for tax returns to send the head for machining and to get the main and rod bearings so I can paint and slap everything together. In the meanwhile, I've been de-rusting the engine bay and researching the electrical portion of the carb-swap. Just trying to map out the electrics cause even though it's simplified, I just want to make sure everything is correct especially since I only got pieces of a loom in a box when I bought the 260z shell. This is what I've found so far. Because the stock 2jz dizzy has magnetic pickups and is locked out from factory, I can use a programmable MSD box for ignition timing (programmable 6AL 2). I can use the pickups to one side of the box and the other gets hooked up to an ignition coil and battery. It's not cheap ($400-500), but I will be able to program a full ignition map and get idle and rev limits. I'm glad there's a relatively easy solution to ignition. I need to figure out how to hook up the stock 2jz alternator (which I cannot find? I think I might have lost it....). So I'll eventually have to buy another one and figure out the wiring situation. So far I'm assuming I can cut off and use the connector from the old supra/sc300 harness and splice it to where it needs to go. So far I know the connector gets spliced into the dash (ignition, sensing, and lamp?) and then the one with the bolt gets hooked to the starter. My concern is that I dont think I have the original 260z wiring harness so I have to figure out the complete wiring of the alternator and starter to the dash (which I have 2, one from the 260 and one from a 280). In the meanwhile I'll just keep de-rusting when it's not freezing out. I could use a space heater haha.
  8. @seattlejester super helpful and I'm glad you didnt talk me out of it. Update: I've been slowly gathering the parts needed to swap to carbs. Just finished grad school so I can finally jump into this more. The following is what I've done to this point: Removed L26 and started cleaning up the engine bay (removing surface rust and will start painting the bay) Started rebuilding the 2jz. The head is almost off and I will be doing the following Cold compression test got me values from 135-150 so it seems ok considering the motor was not hot and expanded according to some na-T supra/sc300 friends I have Changing every gasket possible. Going to buy an OEM gasket kit and swap everything out (head/front and rear main seals/valve cover, stem seals, etc) I'm not out for power so OEM will be ok. Water pump and alternator will be changed, not sure about oil pump yet. Will be upgrading to ARP studs since I liked them so much on my mr2 Might get a solid crank pulley instead of reusing the harmonic balancer (unsure) EGR deleted, with 9/16th expansion plug Purchased a set of 6 GSXR carbs and manifold to bolt them to the head (They look so good https://www.instagram.com/p/CFvE_cbnlXe/?igshid=dv6y0l5nxurb) Sold the AR5 for a nice profit and got a cheap w58 trans. I can now use a stock sc300 slave and clutch to run the car Bought an interrupter style motorcycle fuel pump so I dont have to run a return line back to the tank (so glad the carbs only need 4psi to run) Talking with123ignition to see if I can get a programmable alternator Next Steps once the engine is built up and bay is painted: Install the apexengineered subframe Going to get the universal wiring harness from zcardepot (https://zcardepot.com/products/wiring-harness-universal-240z-260z-280z-510) and I will be splicing the 2jz accessories to it (hope that works, Im assuming splicing the 2jz alternator, starter, ignition coil, bike pump, etc to the new s30 harness should work???) Find a 2jz to W58 bellhousing somewhere....then ill be able to measure for the trans mount I'll stop there but I'm pretty happy. So far it looks like splicing that universal harness will be my best bet for keeping it simple while still upgrading to a modern fusebox.
  9. @seattlejester So I've decided to pursue the carb route. I still have a month left of grad school but I have started tearing the 260z apart and rebuilding the 2j when I can. I just removed all the accessories and am about to crack open the head and pan to see the condition of the cylinder walls and rod bearings. I'm 90% leaning towards the VW/Porsche 40IDF carbs and cutting a rectangle down the driver side of the hood so the stacks peek through. Should look and sound pretty cool. As for the ignition. I found a company that makes dizzys that can be programmed via bluetooth. I think I'm going to send them what I have and see what they can do. I hope it works because I really dont want to deal with a crank trigger wheel and an ignition box.
  10. Update: did some research and I think I'm going to try a Toyota 5mge distributor before trying the crank trigger/megajolt solution. It has a vacuum advance, the firing order is the same, and the gear size looks pretty close to the stock 2j dizzy. I might be able to make it fit with minor modification. Worth the $40 for trying. I'm also heavily researching carbs. My 2 options are modifying Honda or minkuni bike carbs or getting 3x empi vw 40idfs. It'll depend on whether the dizzy fits.
  11. The ecu would indeed need the map sensor etc to run and would throw a code as the efi would not be connected likely running on limp mode. Im 98% sure it is a distributor type cas. The timing is my only stopping point. I believe I'll be able to at least get it to idle with the stock dist. Right now I'm still cleaning up the motor but i think I'll be getting a trio of chinese 40mm idf carbs or 6x 40mm honda bike carbs and trying it out. If it cranks over and runs then I might move on to trying to modify a distributor, or getting a timing control box. Problem is that I have no idea where to get one or how to hook it up. I assume its a box i can wire to the stock dist and vacuum lines and program. Maybe msd has a solution? I know the 4age guys can use another model distributor but I don't think i have that option. I've seen one other person try it, but they hooked up a crank trigger wheel to a timing control box (megajolt?) and a ford v6 edis system. Maybe that'll be my last resort bc i really really want to do this.
  12. While putting together the 2j for the s30 I thought about how cool this thing would sound with ITBs or carbs....and then really started thinking about the possibilities: ITBs would be really cool but I would need an aftermarket ECU (~$1000+$300 for tuning) and the ITBs themselves ($2000 from EFI). Awesome but 3k on top of what the 2j swap and s30 upgrades will cost is a lot (not counting what an aftermarket loom would cost). But what about carbs? I've seen people carb RBs and LSs before, so why not a 2j? So I did some digging and research. Looks like it's not uncommon for people to delete the efi/ecu from some builds for a carb. 1. I can fab the intake manifold (~$250-$300) from a very good fabricator near me) to hold the carburetors (free from a friend) 2. The s30 gas tank can be reused and hooked up to an electronic low pressure fuel pump (~3-5psi) and then hooked to the carbs 3. The 2j has a distributor, but it hooks up to the ECU. I would need to find a way to replace the electronic advance (maybe an msd box? Some sort of ignition control is needed). 4. The starter, alternator, pump and ignition could would hook up to the battery. Outside of tuning the carbs it seems doable and I would honestly be much happier with this build as it's much more representative of the 70s. It's the exact build I had in mind. I found an example of this being done: https://engineswapdepot.com/?p=8336 Looks like they used a cam trigger and Ford EDIS but I was hoping to reuse the distributor if I go forward with this. Thoughts? Ideas? Comments? I'm really hoping this is feasible but the ignition seems to be my only stopping point.
  13. All this is seriously helpful. Then I'll just how to figure out the fuel pump relay wiring. Not that it's difficult, but I've never done it before. Then I might just look for a suitable tank and use the corresponding stock fuel pump as well as replace the s30 fuel lines with braided ones. So I'm not as worried about fueling anymore. Wiring-wise, I think it'll be worth going professional loom. I plan on using the stock ecu for the first couple years and once the s30 runs and drives reliably, I'd love to tinker with ITBs and a better ECU (but that's way future). I've been taking the 2j apart and cleaning/maintaining it. I just bought the waterpump and for sure will be going the pully/tensioner etc. I don't see why I wouldn't do the crank pulley since it's on a stand, so I'll add that to the to/do list (not sure if I'm doing hg, but if I do I might do ARP bolts and MLS hg even though it's not boosted). I have no upgrades planned, though I'll be googling egr block off plates, I'll need to research what else can be deleted off a 2j for simplicity. I think you're right and e-fans will be the way to go. If for some reason I cannot get the temp sensor and relay to connect, I could just have them always on. All I have right now is an empty shell and a but load of parts, so I'll have a lot of wiring to figure out for the dash lol Thanks bud
  14. Thanks for the response and sorry for not responding sooner! (didn't get a notification). So what did you use for a tank? I just want to reflect the OEM FPI cause I want to build it as a 250ish hp cruiser -- but I'm guessing I'll need an aftermarket pump if I run the mustang tank. I will definitely be using braided lines w/ AN fittings for safety and reliability. I'm put off by using a fuel cell cause I want usable trunk space (plus heat from the sun). I'll be trying to keep it as stock as possible, which might require a lightweight flywheel -- but I have no problem using OEM Toyota setup then modifying it later if I feel it too heavy. But stock shouldn't present a problem right? Made a couple calls and I think it'll worth the 1k for a custom harness. Might as well build it right the first time. I'm rebuilding the whole engine as it's on a stand right now. Water pump, seals, head gasket, timing belt, etc. Thank you for your response!!
  15. Hello, Been looking for years and I finally came into possession of a motor-less 260z that i want to swap a non-turbo 2jz into. I've swapped an engine before but it was the same type of motor (blown 3s-gte swapped for one I built-up in my 91 mr2). So I'm trying to compile a to-do/to-find list for what I need for the swap, so far this is what I have and want to use: Have: -A buddy sold me a rear-sump sc300 2jzge and I was able to get a AR5 transmission for cheap as well Planned: -ApexEngineered front crossmember and JZ mounts -1jz bellhousing (for the ar5) -SN95 Mustang gas tank + fuel pump -JDM 2jz ecu for now (haltech or megasquirt later) -Better wiring harness later in life -JZ clutch fan -3 core radiator Unknown: -Will the 260z master cylinder need to be used? Or would I need another manufacture? -Do I need to run new fuel lines from the tank? I know I'm missing some things and was hoping that someone with more experience can shed some light as to what else I need.
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