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rxx2rxx2 last won the day on January 18

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    San Mateo, CA

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  1. Steering wheel is sold
  2. My buddy had a few parts laying around from his totalled 1973 240z. Front and rear CF look spoilers. I don't know if they are actual CF - $100 for both. Steering wheel - $150 SU carb setup off 71/72 - carbs,. manifolds, air cleaners - $500 If you'd like to see more pics, LMK. Local pickup in San Mateo.
  3. Thanks Ryan! Puyallup eh. My wife has relatives there! Been to the county fair there once. Huge cool event!
  4. Ah, sorry, digging up another old thread. Anyone have any opinions of these vs Futofab? A bit of a difference is price.
  5. Hello, They are still available. If you're local and can pickup in San Mateo, CA, I'd let them go for $175.
  6. Sorry to dig up an old thread. Is there a good way to center the rear tire in the wheelwell with aftermarket parts? I looked at the Apex engineered rear lower control arms and they describe being able wheel centering (up to 1/2" front and 1/2" back). Would anything else need to be changed to do this optimally?
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