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Z Legend's Widow

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    Vian, Oklahoma, USA

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  1. There is not an ounce of truth to this statement. I am Don Potter's widow. Steve Bonk purchased some camshafts from me after Don Passed away. I was told he was purchasing them for his own use. Don had built some equipment for Bonk before he died, so Bonk was a customer. If I had known Bonk intended to attempt to copy, mass produce, and sell the resulting knock-off product as being DL Potter Engineering products, I would have never sold anything to him. Believe me, Don is rolling over in his grave right now! I was unaware until tonight when I stumbled across this forum on the internet that Bonk was still selling these camshafts as being DL Potter Engineering cams. When I first became aware that he had made copies of those cams and was selling them as being DL Potter cams in 2011, I sent him a registered letter asking him to stop marketing his cams as being DL Potter cams. He agreed to change his advertising to clarify that these are unauthorized copies. obviously he has not abided by that agreement. I consulted an attorney regarding this matter at that time, and was advised that it would be a very long and costly lawsuit that I would no doubt win, but it would not be worthwhile, because Bonk probably does not have the financial resources to pay a judgement of the size that would most likely result from such a lawsuit, and I didn't have the financial resources at that time to finance such a lawsuit with little or no hope of ever even recovering my legal fees. The cams Steve Bonk are selling not being ground by him. Bonk does not have the engineering background to even understand what made DL Potter Engineering cams so good. Bonk took the cams he bought from me to another camshaft grinder and had the profiles copied, and the copies produced. He did not understand that there was much more that went into producing those camshafts than just having the profile specs. When I pointed out to Bonk that the cams he was selling were not even convincing copies, since they looked nothing like DL Potter Engineering cams, and anyone that was familiar with DL Potter Engineering cams would immediately notice that, he told me that he wasn't going to attempt to exactly copy Don's cams, because some of what Don did to produce his cams was very labor intensive, and cut into profits too much. Bonk told me that the trademark item, the center-cutting of the cams, had no value other than cosmetic, which is absolutely not true. As a side note, he would also have a very difficult, if not impossible, time finding someone that is capable of duplicating some of the work Don did to his cams. After reading the comments I've seen on this forum tonight, I think it's time to revisit the legal issues here.
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