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Posts posted by TheMission

  1. Sometimes you just have to say what needs to be said... Elanor... well, the design is for FORD, not a Datsun. The concept is neat for a picture, but in life, I'd imagine it'd be an object of ridicule, solely for the fact that so many of the design elements are taken from such a distinctive and recognizable icon.

  2. Well... fun day!


    I had the day off, since I've worked the last 10 or so days straight at work, so played a bit with the car!


    Got the lock coversion and power window conversions in and tested -





    Finished the wiring of 2 and 0 gauge wire up to the front from the rear odyssey battery location and finished the brake lines getting run.




    Brake Booster and Clutch Master Cylinder Mounted




    Close up of the EZ wiring Fuse Box in it's location




    RAAMMat'd firewall and tunnel, (used extra pieces to hold down the wires for now) - All the silver will be covered with black closed cell acoustic foam from RAAMMat too.




    New Carpet Test Fitted over the Tunnel




    Lines from the rear to the front (Ground and Power) Ground will go to Frame at where the engine grounds will go, Power will go to solenoid and to the inside from there.




    Lots of work for 4 hours.

  3. man oh man. your car is perfection.


    I hope my build comes out somewhere around the realm your car is.


    If only... I've surrendered to the fact that a build of this level is only possible with one key factor, unobtainable to me. $. - Something that I think even Blaktout would attest to, as he'd pretty candid on the chunks of change he's put into the project! But, with $$$ invested, attention to detail, and picking the right people to do the work, at least we have an example of what's really possible!

  4. I've seen a ton of vinyl wrapped cars for promo stuff from Scion and other Businesses and over time, it just looks worse and worse... And this is long life printed vinyl that's running thousands to install. I'd be interested in real facts about longevity, as a weeks worth of work minimum and (for those of us without vinyl "connections") the significant cost... I don't see it as a better option than paint, as paint will last much longer than 4 years and will end up costing less in the long run for the same styles and "looks"

  5. Heating won't be an issue... There are thousands of urethane products on the market for modern sport compacts and few, if any, issues. All the body kits I've ever installed, and even the factory stuff from Toyota/Scion I've used is urethane and very, very resilient.

  6. AGREED 100%



    Although I did mount mine below the floor and put a dzus fastened sheetmetal top/cover for it.


    I do have a 16 gallon plastic cheapo drag cell and regret it. I only removed the factory tank to shave the fuel door and put the filler behind the license plate. Instead, I have to remove 7 dzus fasteners to fill up my gas tank until I figure out exactly what I want to do and upgrade to a proper ATL cell.


    I wish I would have just modified the factory tank.


    Someday I may think of forking out thousands for an ATL or such, but still think it can be done better than above, so I gave it a shot -


    I still went with the cheapo setup and if I have too many issues I'll let you know... I still am under the floor, but I am up higher than the pics above due to how I set it up and most likely the tank I chose. Sloshing with foam and starvation issues may hit me, but I can always make a secondary can and run a low pressure pump to that and high pressure away to fix that little issue.


    I may have issues with the return and vent lines where they are at, but I can always make lil' boxes to section them out of the cabin if I get flack for it. Here's pictures of my install.


    First, the hole



    Here's the mount I welded up and painted... (I used 1/2 inch weatherseal padding on the sides of the mount that support the fuel "Cell" to protect the tank from flex and possibly cracking issues)



    Here's the tank in a test fit shot to show how and where it sits



    This shows how "Low" the tank sits... It's actually impossible for it to hit the ground, as the mount would hit first anyways, but still is a tad higher than the lowest point of the rear transaxle assembly (it looks off kilter in this pic, but I just took these for reference shots and it sits perfectly level currently)



    Here's the panel with the vent line hooked up. I may end up just making little boxes to cap off the lines and keep them seperate from the cabin, which would be easy enough


    The "Fuel Door" is a dragster access panel from jerry bickel racing and seals off the tank from the cabin and allows quick access for fill ups... The side panel in the bottom right is a removable panel to access where the odyssey battery is, as I have a little mount for the battery under the panel now as well.


  7. Wow... amazing work! Relay Extravaganza!


    I've been hammering out my own pictures trying to put my mind around wiring my z with an EZ harness, as the turn signal switch and wiper motor switch are fun to diagram and figure out, but man... this is some work you have going for you to build from more or less, scratch.

  8. Thanks everyone. I can't wait to see her and drive her. Just three more days! After more than 1000 days, 3 more to go!


    Yes, my car stable has dwindled dramatically. The economy has hit me, but instead of keeping one of the 3 (other) Audis (still kept one) or the supercharged 911, I kept the Z. Thing is, it's been restored so well, and I'm now broke, that I'm going to be afraid to drive it hard! At first, at least!


    Wow... as I watched this build over the months, I was like... how can even this guy afford this right now in the economy! (no surprise you have some funds backing you) Guess it's as hard on you as it is on the lower-budget guys around here too, like me.


    Props for the inspiration, as I'm doing as much as I can in the spirit of what you are doing, but without much of the meticulousness and without the ability of outside labor due to cost (and my intense curiosity and desire to get my hands as dirty as possible in it).


    The end result is incredible, and your engine bay is designed so, so well... I'll only be able to get pieces of that in the end result, but you surely have set a solid standard to walk toward for others.

  9. 125 dollars for the vinyl? that's amazingly cheap... wonder how many "years" the vinyl is rated for. I'd be scared, especially with flat black and all that work on how it handles the conditions. I guess for a california car, it'd be a least a possibility, but the roads/weather/pollen and all the other things attacking that vinyl, aside from whatever son it gets, makes me think that all that work is going to be less than ideal in a year or so, where paint, if maintained, could last for many years.

  10. Passenger will work as well... I just did this same thing, as I got a used door and it didn't have it.


    I found a local guy on craigslist with a bunch of Z's who'd part with that little part for nothing really. Should be a little channel 4-5 inches long, with two bolts permanently on it?


    Hope you can find someone local... hard to find on ebay for sure... (I couldn't)

  11. Yikes, looks like it came out of the 70's... oh wait, it did! Seems to break up the clean roof line of the Z.


    I don't know if I'd personally keep it and invest in new vinyl to make it perfect, or scrap the look and put the work into removing it and the body work that would surely be needed as a result of it's removal.

  12. On my '72, the front and rear turn signal light powers go through the hazard switch before they hit the turn signal switch, when hazards are turned on, the power goes through the hazard switch to the lights and negates the turn signal switch.


    When you have problems with your signals and turn the hazard switch on, does that work properly?

  13. Now to see...


    I Bought the cheap crappy RFID alarm for 30 bucks. I'll let you know what I think of it... if it's too horrible, heck, I'll play with the RFID and relays and have some project fun.


    (I can think of a few fun pranks)


    That alarm, plus two cheap lock actuators and I have prox keyless entry for 40 bucks, cheap/fun project at minimum.

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