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    Central Valley Cali

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  1. Thank you Fridge Gnome for responding with more details about your Z swap.. this gives me some decisions to ponder before i fully commit. Your Z came out great! best of luck with you next project!
  2. could you please expound upon how you combined the 2 together? How did you attach the Z pedal to the Drive by wire? pivot?fulcrum?idk what to call it. the corvette is floor mount and operates by pressure being pushed upon it, correct? The '14-17? Silverado is a "hanging" pedal. Maybe that would be easier to convert??? care to share your thoughts? either way i would assume the pressure/sesitivity would need to be adjusted via the tune/coding, correct? Thank you!
  3. so you used the CX racing kit with the Gen 5 LT? did you have to fab more than a conversion plate to make this work? any pics? thank you!
  4. hey, guys, how are the projects progressing? any more vids or pics you can share of the builds? A '15 L83 long block fell into my lap so i was going to try and tackle this in a 260z. Im a novice builder/fabricator at best but with the excellent tips already provided i'm hoping i could finish through with this. having said that, is there a better engine mount option available now to start with? or would it be best to custom fabricate mounts from the start? With what you know now, what would you change from the get go? i did not get a tranny with the engine, i was planning on a T56 magnum but does it make more sense to stick with auto for any reason? as a novice would i be better off selling off this L83 long block and going with LS? Thank you!
  5. wow.. this is one of the best Z builds i've seen! GREAT JOB!
  6. does anyone have know who manufactues this body kit? i love these flares! I'd like to purchase it. Thank you
  7. Hello, i am looking for a set of these flares or similar. Does anyone know how to reach this company or know of any other manufacturers with similar design and current production? I like that these fenders do not taper back to the car but rather extend down and return to the body kind of like combining a mud flap. i imagine it would give the appearance of a much wider rear end from the rear vew. I am after this stout look. not the ones where they immediately taper back leaving a lot of the tire showing and the flare only covering the top of tire. The ssworxs design reminds me more a porsche 930 turbo style fender. Can anyone recommend where i can get a set of these? maybe new old stock? or maybe you happen to have an old set of SSWORXS in the garage that are no longer going to be used and you want to sell? thank you very much
  8. recently had a 260z tow'd home that wouldnt roll. had to drag onto flatbed. apparently i need to take it back to the DMV for VIN verification since its out of the system. sheesh. This worked perfectly. Still had to smack one side with the dead blow to brake free the drum from the studs??? something. it would spin freely but would not budge/pull off. shot some PB Blast on studs, let it sit and then beat the L out of it til it finally broke loose. Thank you for posting/sharing this knowledge!
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