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FastFloridian last won the day on February 23

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    Bradenton, Florida

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  1. Got some time on the car today, everything is prepped and ready to pull the motor/transmission. Will be a few weeks before I can get back on it though. Pulling out the shifter I discovered a lot of wiring wire there touching the drive shaft, smh. Good thing I’m re-wiring this thing from scratch. Did a mock pull, hooking up to hoist, found out I need some thinner shackles, couldn’t get chains on. Looked at the frame rails too, only a little rust on one spot, but they are banged up a bit. I think I’ll cut out the rusted section, about 8”-10” or so and get the bull dog rails. I’ll order that after I pull the motor.
  2. I see bad dog has done heavy duty frame rails, and those can fit over OEM, I’m liking that option, any thoughts?
  3. Thanks for the advice. The passenger side rail near the back definitely needs attention. I still haven’t decided what to do, been going back and forth with a repair, or possibly replace all of them. I know Apex sells a set that looks decent, hadn’t put too much thought into trying to make some myself. If I do a full replace I definitely want something beefy.
  4. Test fitted the other fenders and bumper, I’m liking how it’s coming out.
  5. Sounds like the car was meant to be, and you struck gold on the wife. Looking forward to some pictures.
  6. Fenders came in, I’ll get some more pics this weekend. Doing a track day at Sebring on Saturday, getting that driver mod in.
  7. Thanks for sharing. I like the lower front fender brace, and some good ideas under hood and hatch.
  8. Unbolted the driveshaft today, not enough play to get it out, but should come out when pulling the engine trans I guess. Picked up my first welder, going to practice for a few weekends then try and weld these fender braces in.
  9. I got some updates from John at ZTrix on my fenders, almost done and looking good 😁
  10. So the Holley digital gauge display is bigger than I was thinking. I should be able to make something that sits in the dash nicely, not sure if it should sink into the dash or poke out. I’m thinking if it sank into the dash it would look pretty good. Eventually the dash will be black once I’m done.
  11. Got a garmin catalyst for Christmas from my wife 😁 I can’t wait to set this up, won’t be used on the 240Z for a while but I’m going to Sebring in January in my Tesla, so I’ll try it out then. Some more Black Friday goodies got here yesterday. Family is sick so can’t really get out to the car, but I might try and do a few things inside like mock up my dash a little, try and find a good place for my gauges and I want to have a clean place to mount the catalyst.
  12. I found a deal online, both calipers for $250, so went ahead and bought them. Not ready to work on the rear yet, but I’ll have time to think about and work on a bracket so I can install it at the same time as everything else on the rear.
  13. I’m thinking ahead/planning the rest of the car and one thing I hadn’t thought about was my parking brake. Going to the Apex rear end and 370Z wheel hubs and disk brakes I’d have to add back in a parking brake. Drum disk brakes on the 370Z are $800 each. I saw these mechanical caliper type from Wilwood online, only $400 for the set, and it looks like all I’d have to do is fab a bracket. Anyone else try these or have another idea for parking brake?
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