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  1. Free 240Z on craigslist san diego http://sandiego.craigslist.org/zip/239159431.html Might be good for a swap.
  2. I have a sho 3.0 in my garage just waiting for a swap into something. I would like any information you have especially on mating the T-5 to the 3.0.
  3. Just thought i would pass on this sight i just found has lots of good info. http://www.eng-tips.com/ Go to browse forums on the main page then to automotive forums for more forums click on activities. lots good stuff on all aspects of engineering
  4. GRRRRRR!!!!!! :fmad: F'IN THEVES Why does the glass have to be in Holland? You should be able to find glass in the states and have it shipped. It couldn't cost that much ,and you can insure it. Most shipping companys do that. That way if it gets broken in transit you will get refunded your money. I had two guys try to steal my Yamaha R1 ,but the brillant guys rolled it into a flower bed, heard me ,droped it ,and ran. messed the body work up pretty bad $1300 worth of damage theves
  5. The Volkswagen, Corrado there are 3 or 4 of these running around my area very cool looking in person ,and I had the pleasure of aligning a highly tuned example with a list as long as your arm in performance mods. It had to be one of the most nimble and quickest cars I have ever driven.
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