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Posts posted by MTenneZ

  1. I can't wait to tackle that on my rust bucket. But alas, I must I can only do so many repairs at a time and still maintain some of the cars integrity. Looks good gives me an idea of what I might need to do. I have already done the "frame", subframe connectors, new floors, and rocker panels. Still working on rear quarters and rear deck. Keep us up on progress.



  2. It's seeing the young men and women that voluntarily make the choice to serve their country and protect out freedom (even though so many of us are ungrateful) that really helps to motivate me. I'm sure that the level of pride you fathers (and any mothers) have for your children must be immense. And I thank you all for your input. I have done quite a bit of research and am continuing to do so. I feel the need to make something more of my life and believe that this could be a good option. As far as what I am looking for, something in the line of a mechanical officer, if I don’t go enlisted.



  3. Funny this should come up. I have been looking into the Air Force a lot this past month. Both from the enlisted side and the officer side. I'm trying to see how much help a BS in psychology will help. Like your son I would like to be stationed over seas. I too would appreciate any further input that anyone has.



  4. Did you find much rot in the inner rocker panels? Mine were just about gone at the front and rear for about 3-7" and I had to make the replacements by hand (did it out of 1/16" steel), with all the beads, bends, etc. That was a TON of work with meager hand tools. But the front and rear rocker boxes transfer a lot of load throughout the unibody, so I felt it was worth it - even with the subframe connectors.

    Oh yea, there was quite a bit of rust (imagine that). So out came most of the inner rocker and I too fabbed up a panel with hand tools. Not exactly fun but it was important like you said. I just hope I did a good enough job.

  5. When you say .085 do you mean 14ga? Because when I asked for .085 around here people thought I was crazy. Perhaps they're right? So I asked for 14ga and they said "Oh you want .083" So anyway that is what I went with. And that .120 (11ga) would definitely be stout enough, but perhaps overkill. I'd stay away from .065(16ga) but that may just be me. Others (Pete) have used .095 (13ga) I believe.

  6. I take it this is the quarter you are referring to:




    When I bought the car the owner included both of these panels, but as you can see I cut out way more then what they cover and still have to remove back to the tail end. So if anyone wants these two panels of mine.... I bought the drivers side full quarter panel on ebay, now just to track down a passenger side.

  7. Was this your first try with a welder? Did you teach yourself? What type did you use? I need to buy a welder and learn myself.

    Yes and Yes. It is a Lincoln SP175 Plus. It has been a blast learning how to do it after asking a lot of questions.


    Dont buy it from VB, buy it from Tabco Body Parts, they are VB and MSA's supplier. Its cheaper and is free shipping.

    Do they carry the rear quarter? If so... But for now I plan on using Alfa Parts if Allen will ever call me back. I've been looking at his stuff for a while. The only set back is that his quarters don't come up to the main body line.


    Jeff, I actually test fitted the door(which is amazing) before welding and the fit was OK. It sat low at the back by about 1/8 in. other then that it was good.


    Thanks for the support and info.

  8. Where did you get the rocker from? How's the fit?


    Victoria British, and the fit is good. It needed a little trimming off the top and bottom flanges but other then that it's alright. Now I need to find a passenger rear quarter panel (hint, hint anyone;))

  9. When I took the picture of the seat in the car the floor was fully welded in, at least the top side was. The floor pans are 18ga, it is about the thinnest you would likely want to use for the floor.


    And about the "on the road in no time"...um yea :). Truthfully though it is great motivation to stay on it.


    Thanks for all the encouragement guys.

  10. Thanks for the support guys. If not for this site I would have never gotten this far. And as far as it is that is not even half way...I have the drivers side to do. But having done it once before it should be easier, I think. As for the pieces I had to form them all, and any advice: Measure 5 times cut 1 time.


    Man-o-man! You actually tackeled that job? I'm a body man and that one looks like a parts car to me. Are all the Z's out that way like that?

    Actually no all the Z's here are not that bad...they're worse. I knew from the start that it had lots of rust but little did I know.


    Very nice work so far, I wish I had welding and fabrication skills like that. Keep up the good work.

    It's a good thing the pictures are not up close, because you might not say that :)

  11. As far as buying from them I plan on doing that very soon. I have spoke with Allen on the phone and he seems to be pretty nice. However I cannot attest to the quality, but perhaps someone else can. About the pictures, go to the "photo album" section and underneath the pages main header is a smaller bar that, on the right hand side says "Upload Photos" the rest is just clicking away.

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