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Posts posted by CarolinaZ

  1. Same here , have had this one since 2000 and up until this year all was well..seems like once you begin to fool around with one or two things all hell can break loose..lol..but hey mine is well I guess 31 now so there have to be some things here and there that are gonna cause a problem every so often.

  2. It seems to me that considering there is a light bulb behind the word brake there would have to be a way to replace the bulb without removing the entire dash or taking out the speedometer , wonder if there is a wire near the speedometer cable..so far I cant see under the dash well enough to see if that is the case..but again..if the light burned out shouldnt there be a way to replace it without dismantling half the car..or is it a 100 year guaranteed light bulb..lol...right now I have a small piece of electrical tape covering the area so I dont see it lit up..what a fix that is...Im going to look at this again this weekend..however it made no diff when I did put the switch back in under the emergency brake handle..gotta be some kind of connection under the dash as now the switch is out but the light is still on..again..wouldnt you think there would be a way to reach the bulb to replace it..if so then we could both just remove the bulb and that would end the problem..


    This is funny in a way and rather annoying in another..the problem of the light that is ..one of us is gonna solve this mystery..one day...lol

  3. You completely misunderstood the post as well as the reasoning behind it..realizing this is a hybird forum and having some mods on my own Z which does not keep it stock..my point was that Nissan got away from the Sports Car beginnning with the 79 model..until 79 Z cars were more like the original idea of a sports car..road like one , handled like one , looked like one and on and on , in 79 with the changes made the Z left the realm of a historically true sports car i.e Triumph , MG, Austin, Porsche, sports cars that didnt have power windows, power seats, cruise control , flip up headlights etc..performance and a sports car ride ( due to the suspensions being geared for driving, racing etc and not the smooth ride of a sedan or other style coupe..


    The post had nothing to do with the fact the guy has an 06 but all to do with the fact that those of us who are 50 or older and have been around for the days of "sports cars" know the difference in sports cars pre 79 and those going forward..the ride changed , the ideas changed , the amenities changed and on and on..


    As said , my Z is not stock , if my idea was to keep it totally stock then I wouldnt post here..


    I think you totally misunderstood my post as well as definition of a sports car..sure Porsche made changes..based on their racing , however they maintained the Porsche image..Datsun / Nissan got away from that again beginning in 79..whatever...like I said I think you misunderstood the idea of the post to begin with...


    Now on to other things..as in turning off the darned parking brake light without having to remove the dash to disarm the darned thing.. :)


    No harm , no foul

  4. Lost the switch or its in one place I havent looked, however the first time I put it back in it didnt help the situation..used to be the light only stuck when it was cold outside ( in the 30's which doesnt happen too often here in SC) then once the car would warm up the light would go off..so Im as lost today as I was the other day when the darned thing went off..Im not taking the dash out to find this ..gonna put a piece of electrical tape over the little section where I can see it and forget it..who knows maybe one day it will just burn out...hopefully...

  5. Got it...and not telling how...whoa..its off and that is that...but considering how this thread went ..if you guys think for a min or a sec that Im gonna tell you how simple this was..forget it..all the BS that flew on this was totally rediculous..the problem could have been solved on day one if not day two..however as said the light is off and that is that..

  6. Wow..a 2006...talk to us about 70-78 when Z's were Z's....lol..not even close, say all you want about HP and this and that..but we who own 240's-280's have sports cars..the rest..call them what you want but 78 was the end of Datsun/Nissan and the true sports cars..( prior to the 78 1/2 when Datsun/Nissan started to add power this and power that..cruise control..etc)..it ended with the last ones manufactured prior to Dec of 77

  7. I have already disengaged the locking mech..dont ask me how but its been about six months ..so far its yet to lock up in a curve....lol..the whole thing jammed one day so I gave it a pretty good yank ( the wheel) and it popped something that dropped to the floor ( had the trim off doing some reworking of it) so whatever locked the wheel broke , fell off or what ever as it will no longer lock, there has to be a way to now wire it to a switch (toggle) and then be able to start it without the key or even having the ignition mechanism attached to the steering column..

  8. What I would like to see is one that is a toggle start..and not have the key have to be in the ignition..either rig it so the key would be used but hidden and eliminate the ignition switch on the column , then have it so that you flip a toggle like oh say NASCAR and the car would start...dont know where you would put the key ignition or wonder if there would be a way to eliminate it all together..use the key to lock the car but once in you would just flip a toggle and it would fire...

  9. So , apparently without everyone basically getting this seemingly simple task all complicated by ck this and ck that..my question is how would you guys replace the bulb if it burned out...ans that and you ans the question as to how to disarm the light..ck this ck that ck whatever ..there has to be a simple way to reach the light bulb and disconnect it.

  10. I have a totally new braking system from top to bottom..there are no bulbs that are burned out..there is nothing that would cause this light to come on outside of my disconnecting the switch that has the pop up on it for when the parking brake handle is released..however the light came on prior to that when we had some cold outside temps..i.e 25 degrees..thats when it came on and now it will not go off..I have no idea what the proportioning valve and associated switch is or what it does..all I want to do is DISCONNECT THE DAMNED LIGHT..excuse me..but thats all I want to do..again , nothing wrong with the brakes, brake lights or anything outside of this stupid light not going off..


    So ..how do you get to it..I mean what if it burned out ..how would you replace it..there has to be a way to disconnect this thing...

  11. nscason..thats the next move..that particular screw..now if that will somehow allow the faceplate in front of the tach to come out or raise up an inch..the light will be out..gone , broken or whatever..right now to just not hack me off today..I put a piece of electrical tape over the area to block out the "red glow"..and you really hit the nail on the head with DAMN ELECTRICAL for sure.

  12. And there is the question...how do I reach or locate the bulb..I can reach under the dash with the trim off and feel something that is in the general area of the wire that goes to this light..just dont want to pull the wrong wire..if I take out the screws that are in the tach and speedometer..will that at least get me to where I could disable the light..

  13. Know what you mean by finding the problem and taking care of it , deal is with thwe way the wires are going to the ignition as well as one other link , I just dont want to cut the wrong one..I could care less if the light never comes on again..I know with the maint of my Z when the brakes need any type of work..in fact the rotors , pads and calipers have all been changed..prior to the light problem..there has to be a way to locate the wire to the darned light.

  14. I have the same problem, however the switch is out, the light used to only come on when it was cold ( outside temp) then once the car would warm up it would go off, took the switch out when I was redoing the console area , now cant find the switch..the darned light is on and cant get it off.


    Is there a way to reach the light ( bulb) without pulling the dash..have a good idea where it is connected however I dont want to "pull" on any wires and screw up the ignition switch , headlamps etc..


    All I want to do is disconnect the bulb..

  15. OK..I went to their site..could not locate what I was looking for , sent an email to them and ask if they could help me out with what I need..I think the one in the car could be reparied , however I wonder about the potential for another fire..which is why I am looking at just replacing whats there with a new one..guess I will have to wait until Monday for a reply to the email I sent them..


    If anyone could or would tell me exactly what it is or how they went about getting them to provide what it is I need I would really appreciate it..my wife has now come up with ..well sell the car as is..and buy a new car..I dont want a new car..I want my Z..hell she even went so far as to tell me to start looking for a the 86-88 911 that I have said for years I would like to have..she just doesnt understand..I had my first Z ( a 78 ) from Dec 77 to July 93...have had this one since 97..with no other expenses than rims and tires..and now...now she just wants me to throw my baby away...good lord woman get real...


    If someone can let me know as far as Painless Wiring is concerned I would really appreciate it..Im not getting rid of my Z....

  16. I know ..ok now before someone says something like "use a new blade and go slowly" the question is what is the process and what all is involved in doing it , I realize remove the stock bumper as well as the piece between the bumper nad the body, but once that is accomplished what all has to be done to get the rounded smooth shaved look that so many of the Z's on here have. Are there any body kits that are available or is it done with sheetmetal , fiberglass from scratch or what..and what is the estimated expense , I want to shave the rear , air dam the front then add a BRE spoiler or wing on the rear.




    Carolina Z



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